It Takes A Village

Aug 28, 2016 10:06

Hello again, fellow political junkies! It's time for our new installment of ridiculously over-simplified hypothetical situations that you, being the benevolent ruler of your fictional state as per the NationStates model, would have to collide with. You know, your extremist decisions are somehow supposed to shape up your country in the way you deem most suitable. The last time when we had one of these polls, most of you sided with the CEO of a high-tech manufacturer, who argued that not only should robot wives be allowed to be produced, but there should be more competition on the market. But now the issue is a bit different, namely:

The Issue

A recently released book authored by Jennifer Nixon, your former Human Services Minister, has highlighted the financial and mental health concerns of parents in Insert Country Name. The book has thrust the issue of childcare back into the public spotlight.

The Debate

1. “I don’t know how much more I can take without government support,” complains Sue, a visibly stressed out mother while desperately trying to console her screaming child. “Between working two jobs and raising a child, I don’t know how I’m managing to hold it together. The government needs to start getting involved before there are mass mental breakdowns! If you gave parents a tax credit and invest in some mental health initiatives, it would really help. Oh, won’t somebody please think of the children?”

2. “The problem is that these fathers and mothers obviously have no idea how to do their job,” counters Fiona Lovegood, your Education Minister while raising her voice over the tantrum-throwing toddler. “Parents need to understand budgeting, stress management, and how to calm down screaming infants. I propose mandatory parenting classes for adults and teenagers alike. The government could then take away children from those who fail the testing. Sure, that would mean investing more in the education budget, but won’t you please think of the children?”

3. “You are all missing the obvious solution,” coos Chloe, your incredibly mature sixteen-year-old niece as she calms down the crying infant. “What Insert Country Name needs is a national babysitting and nanny program. Parents obviously need a break from the stresses of child-rearing, and people need to know that their lives aren’t going to be interrupted by screaming kids. By enlisting the help of babysitters and nannies across the country, along with investments in daycare and childcare programs, this problem will be a thing of the past.” Your niece hands you the baby. “Isn’t he adorable?”

4. “No, no, and no!” exclaims Chad Hardy, your Finance Minister, who has recently been named Insert Country Name’s most eligible bachelor by Bonjour Magazine. “Why should my taxes have to pay for someone else’s bratty kids? I’m already paying over and above for these social programs that are obviously not working. Let’s get rid of whatever childcare programs we have and save ourselves a bundle of bucks. If you can’t afford to have kids, then don’t have them.”

5. “They have it all wrong!” invokes controversial pastor Billy Edwards, who is infamous for his misogynistic rants. “The problem is because we have strayed from our religious teachings. Allowing women to work and neglect their children is only a stepping stone to them murdering their children through abortion and contraception. Murderesses! We could nip this issue in the bud if the wives of Insert Country Name were in their proper place - their kitchens. We must return to our traditional values!”

The legislature of Insert Country Name is preparing to adopt a decision.

Poll It Takes A Village

poll, welfare, hypothesis, family

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