Horrible people saying horrible things

Nov 15, 2015 10:41

It was bound to happen, right? I mean, the hasty, horrible, appalling responses to the terror in Paris, coming from the regular assholes.

Below are some of the most horrible comments about the Paris tragedy. I really don't know why I clicked on that, but now that I have, I just can't get this out of my head...

- Imagine a theater with 10 or 15 citizens with concealed carry permits. We live in an age when evil men have to be killed by good people (Newt Gingrich)

- Really? What could Nobel Prize-winning Workplace Violence Whitewasher-in-Chief possibly contribute at this moment? (Michelle Malkin)

- Now maybe the whining adolescents at our universities can concentrate on something other than their need for "safe" spaces… (Judith Miller)

- Oh, NOW France closes its borders. (Rob Lowe)

- Obama needs to stop pretending that we don't know how to stop ISIS. ISIS is not JV, nor contained. Obama's politics is putting us at risk. (Richard Grenell)

- "When we pulled back we allowed the energy to form to create ISIS" @JebBush "Hopefully this will be a catalyst to the president to lead" (Hugh Hewitt)

- And most predictably, Obama doesn't want to "speculate" about the attackers and their motive. Wake the bleep up! (Monica Crowley)

- .@BaileyKennedy Go to your "safe space" and yap about gender issues. Nobody with a brain wants to hear this nonsense right now. (James Woods)

- Terrorists arrested claim to be Syrian & ISIS recruits. Hey Obama, can we speculate now that they were Muslim? Or still too soon? (Joe Walsh)

- France Closes Borders - Daily Beast Too late, of course. Wait until the recent horde destroys Germany next. (James Woods)

- Paris death toll up to 100. U.S. college students need to tell Parisians about real violence from Halloween costumes & "trigger words." (Ann Coulter)

- How does one say "DREAMERS" in French? (Ann Coulter)

- How's that Syrian refugee resettlement look now? How about that mass migration into Europe? Terrorism is alive & well in the world. (Rep. Jeff Duncan)

- If GOP plays this politically smart they can end any chance that the Dems win the WH in 2016. War is politics carried on by other means. (David A. Clarke, Jr.)

- Maybe guard the border before the massacre (David Frum)

- The last time Paris declared a citywide curfew, the Nazis were occupying the city. The more things change... (Ben Shapiro)

- Loaded 5 magazines as I watched the news reports. When they come here - and they will come here - we are the front line fighters. (Kurt Schlichter)

Of course, there's much, much more in this vein. These guys have been all over the place ever since the news broke out. If you're suicidal enough to take a look at the comment sections of right-wing sites like Breitbart "News", you'd see hundreds of commenters calling for genocide of Muslims. Too many people can't seem to help themselves when a horrible event like this happens. There's an inter compulsion of some sorts to just start spewing.

If we're to use their type of hyperbole, we could say America is actually in more danger from guys like these than it is from terrorists.

In a way, these despicable human beings who've self-identified as conservative thinkers, are no better than the Daesh propaganda. They're essentially of the same ilk, have fallen to the same mental illness. Hate is their cancer, and the cancer is eating them. And their society, along with them.

propaganda, terrorism, conservatism

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