Libertarian Paradise

Sep 08, 2011 06:38

Beloved friends and comrades... the national Libertarian Party is dead. - L. Neil Smith

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Ron Paul, the voice of Libertarianism in America and costar of the movie Brüno, is being ignored by the American press.

It was pretty much established in another post that the Libertarian model doesn't credibly exist in practice anywhere in the known universe.  This has to be frustrating to those that advocate the philosophy.  I don't think it would be any stretch to say that installing it in the United States would require more to be undone than to be done for it to work this century.  What it needs is a clean slate.  Ladies and gentlemen.  I give you.....Afghanistan.  Please consider the following:
  • Ron Paul's followers believe he has what it takes to turn a country around
  • Afghanistan has little government, little taxes, little health care and little, if any, regulation
  • The free market is alive and well there.  Anything can be bought.  That includes the military, police and government officials
  • There is already an insurgency started.
  • Labor is cheap
  • There are no restrictions on drugs
  • There are no restrictions on guns
  • The have an established national religion.  It's not Christianity.  It's Muslim.  The other brand.
  • They have a Constitution, just like we do.
  • They don't have a public madrassa system
  • The only infrastructure to support is 1 paved road that runs through the country.
  • They are sitting on about a trillion dollars of mineral deposits including lithium, which is a hot item for rechargeable batteries.  It is used to power electric and hybrid cars.
  • The US will pay anything to have a democracy established there.
  • There are no campaign funding restrictions
  • The tribal areas and the central government can be played against each other.
  • The tribal areas can be called a grass roots organization.
  • The central government can be manipulated under the premise of national defense.

This is an opportunity for the Libertarian Party to shine and put their principles into practice.  They have their leadership with Ron Paul and possibly his son Rand.  Being able to operate in the background will allow capitalism to sufficiently manipulate government to the point that government would be pretty much irrelevant.

This seems far superior to standing in a fantasy land of faeries and unicorns and taking pot shots at a working American economic system.  Until an actual Libertarian socioeconomic system is in place, Libertarians are pretty much on par with the 16 year old welfare mother.  They just rage against a system that doesn't work to their liking waiting for the world to happen to them instead of happening to the world.


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