I wish this were a joke... I really do.

Sep 29, 2010 20:25

Haven't posted since I left for Tokyo on Friday... and actually, before I left something happened and now I have a funny story to tell.

Ronald Weasley, I will never make fun of you ever again.
I can't remember if I posted about how I have a 12x24 inch hole in my ceiling.  I seem to have a problem with one of the water pipes in my kitchen ceiling and so much water was pouring out of it that a tile fell.  Luckily it's above my sink, so it really hasn't been as big a problem as it could have been.  It's been a week and no one has come by to fix it yet and well, I'm kinda lazy and haven't been too persistent.

I was supposed to leave for Tokyo Friday night, so I was cleaning up, making sure I didn't have anything left out that would rot over the weekend.  Was taking my dinner dishes into the kitchen to wash and noticed that there was something sitting in my sink other than my colander.  Move a little closer and it turns out to be a spider.  In general, spiders don't bug me much... but this thing was the size of my hand!  I slowly put my dishes onto the counter, turned the light back off, went back into the living room and closed my door.

Rachel laughed at me online while I refused to go back into the kitchen to take a picture of the spider to show her.  The message I posted on my facebook was as follows: STUPID HOLE IN MY KITCHEN CEILING! Now I have a spider the size of my freaking hand in my sink. I want my daddy... *cries*

A friend who lives in the same city as me replied almost immediately that I should call one of the other three guys in my building. Called the one I thought would be most likely to come and help me, only to find out that he was on the train with the second most likely of them to come and save me... leaving me with no choice. We'll call him Bob. Called Bob, near tears at this point and asked him if he would please, please, PLEASE come down and kill this spider for me. He laughed and started to tell me to deal with it on my own, just like I knew he would, until I told him how HUGE the spider was. He came down and armed with roach spray and my elementary school activity handbook, killed the spider for me. He even helped me used a flattened box to cover up the hole in my ceiling so that I hopefully won't have this problem a second time.

The whole ordeal took 45 minutes.

Since I was too chicken to take a photo of it while it was still alive, here's what the thing looks like dead. And yes, that's its leg on the right. Bob missed with the book the first time.

I find myself in Tokyo far too often
Used the bus to go to Tokyo Friday night... but there was a car accident near Chofu-shi so I arrived in Shinjuku an hour later than scheduled. Someone appeared to have gone crashing through the sand barrier at an on-ramp.

Went to see 少年たち~格子無き牢獄~ at 1300. I was on the second floor, row D and smack dab in the center. Can't say anything for the seats on the first floor or GC, but because of the stadium seating, I had no problem seeing anything. It was great.

Even though I was terribly worried going into this show, I have to admit that I liked it quite a lot. A lot of the things that I found wrong with the Kanju one, EbiKisu fixed. I enjoyed the Kanju version, but it had little to nothing to do with the play itself and everything to do with the fact that I really like Kanju. With the EbiKisu version, I might be able to say that I actually liked the play.

I feel like what I have to say about it requires it's own entry, so that's what I'll do. I know, I know... I still haven't given Kanju's a proper one and haven't begun NEWS's. We'll see what happens.

You're not even my favorite, but your concert was awesome
Went to Ueda that night. Ueda has always been one of those concerts that I really wish I had gone to. He may be my favorite KaT-TUN member next to Nakamaru, but overall, that's not saying too much. I will give him this though... I would gladly go to his concert again. I was in the second floor stands in one of the furthest sections from the stage, but I was first row, so nothing blocking me AND I could've sat if I'd wanted to. I also enjoyed FiVE being there. Gakki didn't speak a single word, but hey. *shrugs* They were really funny and I really do tend to like their songs. I should ballot the next time they do a live.

As with every time I stay with Rachel...
So the plan for Sunday was to go to Harajuku at 11, eat Indian food for lunch in Takadanobaba, go to Nakano, meet Kira in Hineno Hibiya (oops) at 1 so Rachel could buy Tama's photoset, and then go karaoke for the remaining time.

Ended up getting to Harajuku late and it was PACKED. NEWS, Ueda, and Ebikisu? Yeah. It was crowded. I got my photos of Mitsu's birthday so I was fine, but it took a while. We went to eat our Indian food and decided that Nakano really wasn't going to happen because we were already running late. Kira was nice enough to stand in line for the photos while we made our way over to Hineno Hibiya and good thing she did because by the time we got there, they'd stopped letting people in to buy things. Too many people, plus they were running out of things. Only had time to do karaoke for an hour, but it was fun. I enjoyed.

Kira went off to NEWS, Rachel went off to Ueda, and I made my way to Haneda. It's been a long time since I've flown between Tokyo and Osaka. It was nice... but the great thing is that I can be back in my apartment within 20 minutes of the plane LANDING in Osaka. ^-^Y

All in all, a great weekend. Totally made up for my crappy Friday.

the life of a fangirl, g: kis-my-ft2, g: kat-tun, g: abc-z, real life

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