Fic: Where Skies Are Blue

Dec 13, 2008 17:15

Title: Where Skies Are Blue
Author: talipuu
Pairing: Merlin / Arthur
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: Plotless and so sickly sweet your teeth might drop out... D:
Word Count: 1470

Summary: When spoken of, one could be forgiven for remaining underwhelmed by the description of a meadow. It was afterall, by definition, just a large expanse of grassland. And yet, ( Read more... )

fanfiction, merlin

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Comments 22

graspthethorn December 13 2008, 18:04:52 UTC
That was so very gorgeous. And cloud-making? Oh gosh, that's quite possibly the most delightful thing Merlin has ever done with his magic EVER. And the last little bit with the clammy hands made me melt inside.
This was splendid and I am adding it to my memories so I can some back and adore it over and over again. :D



talipuu December 14 2008, 12:38:14 UTC
I'm so glad you like it, I was a little horrified by the copious amount of fluff xD
That 'cloud shifting' plot bunny has been bugging me for ages, I knew my brain wouldn't give in until I wrote it.
I'm so happy that line worked out ok, I was trying not too make the dialogue as mushy as my descriptions! xD
Oh my goodness, you're meming? Thank you so much! ♥

Sweetie would mind if I added you to friends? You and I have spoken more on my other account colour_me_quick but this one is best for chatting and ramblings :P


graspthethorn December 14 2008, 14:49:33 UTC
OMG YES YES HI *friends you*
Don't be horrified by the fluff; it was just what I needed prior to watching the finalé when my nerves were all over the place and I was as jittery as a junkie.
AND YES I MEM'D IT. How could I not mem something with dragon clouds and clammy hand-holding? *g*



talipuu December 14 2008, 17:31:52 UTC
Hahaha, oh I know what you mean, my heart was pounding! It's a long time since a fandom has made me feel like that. I'm glad if it helped a little then *g*
YEEEYY, much love for you! ♥


_profiterole_ December 13 2008, 18:25:49 UTC
This was lovely. :-)

Merlin has an obsession with dragon-shaped things, hasn't he? ^^


talipuu December 14 2008, 12:39:51 UTC
Thank you so much! ♥
Haha, he does, he does! Although possibly not anymore D:


syllic December 13 2008, 18:28:36 UTC
This is so sleepy and summery, with wonderful spikes of--oh! here and then there; I must agree with graspthethorn that magic was surely made for cloud-making.

'I think you'll find that's yours'


talipuu December 14 2008, 12:42:13 UTC
Aw yay, I'm so pleased you liked it! I needed something sunny and warm to counteract all the rain that was smacking against my window yesterday >_<
Cloud-making would be so much fun wouldn't it! :D
Thank you for reading! ♥


rose_walker22 December 13 2008, 19:03:44 UTC
That was just so sweet. It was so simple but made me smile. It's nice to be reminded that there is such a lovely thing as summer, not that you would believe it at the moment.
I loved Merlin's clouds. Very nice.


talipuu December 14 2008, 12:44:50 UTC
Oh yay, the smiling was what I aimed for :D
It was so dark and raining really hard yesterday, I felt the need to retreat into my mind and create something nice and sunny ^^
Thank you muchly, I am really glad you enjoyed it! ♥


porntestpilot December 13 2008, 20:20:49 UTC
Was your hand made to fit mine?

yessss. This is adorable.


talipuu December 14 2008, 12:46:13 UTC
Hehe, oh the fluff, that's got to be the soppiest line I have ever come up with xD
Thank you muchly, I'm glad you like it! ♥


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