ingame caps: katsbert ferry (yes, AGAIN)

Jul 07, 2010 23:53

so i'm an idiot and i'd posted the last batch before i finished the area. i was going to edit these ones into the last post and hope nobody noticed, but then you guys would be missing a whole chunk if you were trying to collect them. and nobody should miss out on dist and jade's beautiful almost-bromance. so i guess that's why i'm here making a fool of myself ㅠ_ㅠ?

also, i thought i fixed the darkness, which is why this batch is bright and pretty, but then i found out that i didn't because the ghosty glow came back with a vengeance, so the rest of the caps after this will be back to dark. :(

oh one more thing. mediafire is being mean again and won't let me upload to it. so for now please make do with multiupload, and if you still have problems with all the servers provided by multiupload, check back in a couple days. mf will hopefully be un-stupid by then and i'll get those mirrors up.

and while i'm ranting, pcsx2's new build corrupted my iso so i'm going to have to redump it but i think i left my toa game disc at a friend's house except i'm not sure and even if that's the case i don't know if he lost it or what. and the next batch was already going to take a long time anyway because so much goes down in baticul, asdljkfsfjff. well. at least natalia shows up soon :'(

ahem ahem. don't forget to look at what's at the bottom of the post as well. hee

[ 0071 ] : [ mf ][ mu ] » sample; luke, ion, anise, jade, tear, guy, mieu, ferry employee, barrellow x
[ 0072 ] : [ mf ][ mu ] » sample; dist, jade, ion, luke, guy, tear, anise, mieu
[ 0073 ] : [ mf ][ mu ] » sample; battle! luke/ tear/ jade/ guy vs kaiser dist r

[ consolidated ] : [ mf ][ mu ] » 18 images
[ batch folders ] » [ mf ][ mu ][ df ][ hf ]

[ resolution ] » all 1173x878
[ extensions ] » all .jpgs
[ scap post ] » lists the recap posts made in case you missed it
[ mf folder ] » contains all the caps so far
[ skit folders ] » [ mf ][ mu ]

images: screenshots

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