Thank You Everyone!

Feb 01, 2009 19:28

Huge hugs to one and all for all the birthday wishes and gifts, including but not limited to:

alwaysjbj for the DVD's. Mr Tales was especially impressed as he'd insisted at Christmas they were unavailable. Snicker!
josephine64 for the lovely handmade card,
firefly_124 for the gorgeous Serenity (wash/Jayne) double drabble, complete with swearing in Mandarin,
bambu345, geyer and apikereader for their ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

jesterlady February 1 2009, 20:14:29 UTC
Eeep, I missed it! I hope it was wonderful. Have an especially good for it, k?


talesofspike February 1 2009, 21:48:06 UTC
Lol! Well, I slept through about two-thirds of it, but we spent the other third at a party with some really good friends...


alwaysjbj February 1 2009, 20:27:50 UTC
ROFL Just tell him that Amazon likes me more than they like him!

I'm glad you had a nice day, sweetie. *huggles*


talesofspike February 1 2009, 21:49:09 UTC
I will do! In fact just in case I forget, I'll forward the e-mail notification on to him.


josephine_64 February 1 2009, 20:50:26 UTC
You're very welcome for the card - hope you had a wonderful day!


talesofspike February 1 2009, 21:51:19 UTC
Hee! I was wondering who had sent me a card with a badge, but as soon as I got the envelope open far enough to see that it was decoupage? that was bulking out the envelope, I knew who it was from before I even looked inside. Thank you, my dear!


slaymesoftly February 1 2009, 23:16:00 UTC
uh oh - looks like LJ's notification system failed me! I hope it was a good birthday, sweetie!


talesofspike February 2 2009, 01:38:54 UTC
It was! I slept a lot, most of the day actually, but then we went over to a party at our friends' in the evening and I actually stayed awake until it was time to head home, but I paid for it with a headache by the time I went back to bed.


spikereader February 2 2009, 16:03:25 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed your evening out, and hope the headache has gone away by now.


talesofspike February 2 2009, 18:41:11 UTC
Yes, we had a really good night. Our friends were turning fifty so it was a joint party. I'm just glad that the snow didn't set in until today.


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