Happy Nearly Birthday to geyer

Sep 28, 2006 08:00

It's that time of year again. A couple of years ago it was The Moonlight Gamblers. Last year it was A Better Reality. This year my offering for the occasion of my beta's birthday is a lot less on the fluffy side. In fact, it may well be the darkest fic I've written so far, but I'm hoping she'll like it anyway. Happy Birthday -3 to geyer! Chapter 2 to ( Read more... )

in the underworld

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Comments 35

spikereader September 28 2006, 09:27:07 UTC
Well, I'm liking it so far despite my lack of Angel knowlege. Really I think the only problem I'll have is knowing which bits are direct from AtS and which bits are yours, so will just go with thinking it's all your story.


talesofspike September 28 2006, 11:28:49 UTC
Lol! Closer to the other way round, especially in the later chapters...

The fight scene is described almost exactly as it happened, except for Wes injecting himself and then drawing the pistol and shooting Angelus. Therefore he was upright at the end of the fight, and though he called Gunn to pick up Angelus it was him who carried Faith back into the hotel, but bits of Lorne's and Connor's dialog are lifted.

All the Angel memories are lifted direct from the episode, and most of the character reactions to them are as well, though they change a little bit, having Wes in the mix as well ( ... )


zanthinegirl September 28 2006, 09:34:40 UTC
Good Lord, you need to be inspired to write "dark" often! This is wonderful. I'm a big fan of season 4, but particularly of this arc. I love the way you capture the disconnected, distrustful mood of the MOG in this period. And you make me want to smack Connor, or possibly hug him. Come to think of it, that's about par for the course! Great Gunn; I really bought his brief appearance.

I love Faith's "Lack of hygiene world" line from "Orpheus"; it blends seamlessly into her dialog in your AU. Very nicely done!

I like the look and Wes's childhood-- worse than I pictured. The curtains and bucket are chilling; very nicely thought out details. Yikes! And I love Angel sizzling as he immaterially drifts though the walls. Great touch!

She stepped through into a garden with neatly trimmed herbaceous borders and flowers that didn't dare do anything but grow straight and upright. Great detail; and exactly what I picture too ( ... )


talesofspike September 28 2006, 11:55:59 UTC
Good Lord, you need to be inspired to write "dark" often! This is wonderful. I'm a big fan of season 4, but particularly of this arc. I love the way you capture the disconnected, distrustful mood of the MOG in this period. And you make me want to smack Connor, or possibly hug him. Come to think of it, that's about par for the course! Great Gunn; I really bought his brief appearance.

Okay, before I forget... MOG??? Lol! Not sure how good it would be for my sanity writing 'dark' a lot, but I can manage a few chapters now and then. For some reason, when Chris asked for Wes, this was what I found myself drawn to. I could have written something nice and fluffy from the SWBD 'verse but this was the story that wanted to be told. Connor, have to admit, almost straight out of the transcript... As was almost all the Gunn...

I love Faith's "Lack of hygiene world" line from "Orpheus"; it blends seamlessly into her dialog in your AU. Very nicely done! Again, it blends because it's mostly as it happened. With these sort of things, where you're ( ... )


zanthinegirl September 28 2006, 12:33:49 UTC
Hee-- MOG= "Ministers of Grace" as in "Angels and ministers of grace, defend us". The MOG thing is from the old Television without pity Angel boards-- I used to hang out there back in the day (before the reviews from season 5-- the reviewer hated Spike, and it bugged me. Loved the snark, but it had stopped being funny by that point). Why yes, I am a huge geek! It's how I've always thought of Angel's gang; didn't remember that you were originally primarily a BtVS fan. I was always bi-fanual!

I remembered the cupboard, but hadn't put it together with the bucket scene. BTW that's one of my favorite Wes scenes-- absolutely chilling. Eep!

I've pretty much taken some guesses and filled in the blanks. It's not pretty by a long shot but hopefully it'll feel 'real'.

I think that's what fan fiction ideally should do; expand canon (the cupboard, or the alcoholic mom) into logical speculation (the bucket connection; the dead father) and go from there. That it's so well thought out here is part of the brilliance; it's seamless and ( ... )


talesofspike September 28 2006, 12:58:15 UTC
Lol! I've always watched Angel since it started, but I never had the urge to check out any of the 'chatty rooms' or anything and I never really read much in the way of fanfic, despite crossing over into LALA land a few times myself, and once I kidnapped Wes and brought him back to Sunnydale I had the most interesting character, anyway.

Bad reviewer. I hope the Spike fans all rallied to his defence.

Yep, there's something worrying about a guy who can keep someone locked in a cupboard.

Here's hoping that it's all still making sense when you get to chapter 4... assuming I get to chapter 4...


alwaysjbj September 28 2006, 10:52:13 UTC
You already know that I love it, but I'm going on record to make it official! And I know I've said it before but I will say it again: you write such delicious angst!


talesofspike September 28 2006, 12:13:51 UTC
Thanks, honey! I appreciate it. I have a feeling that if all the people who've had previews didn't bother to comment I might be very short of comments, between the number of people I've shown it to because I wasn't sure, and with the warnings that'll put people off and the fact that it doesn't have Spike which will probably put off a load more off and the people who might not read it because they don't know AtS canon...

And I guess after this I really have to quite the land of denial. Hello. My name is TalesOfSpike and I write angst fic.


zanthinegirl September 28 2006, 12:35:11 UTC
Icon love!


talesofspike September 28 2006, 13:00:54 UTC
Lol! Since it's you if you want it...


appomattoxco September 28 2006, 17:11:36 UTC
very good, I'm eager for of this. I wonder how things will change between the three of them after going through hell together.


talesofspike September 28 2006, 18:04:02 UTC
Thanks, honey!

I wonder how things will change between the three of them after going through hell together.
Lol! So do I, honey! With the last section still to write I sort of know how I want it to end, but the muse is not necessarily being co-operative.


curiouswombat September 28 2006, 19:29:05 UTC
This is wonderfully chilling, and believable - great stuff.


talesofspike September 28 2006, 19:37:41 UTC
Well, now I know how you spent the half time interval.

Glad you liked it, sweetie. Yay!!!! Goal! Big grin! Now if only they'd mention the score at the match (Further) Up North where bro-in-law is hopefully enjoying his birthday present. And it's two!!!!

Okay. Happy now!


curiouswombat September 28 2006, 20:42:16 UTC
At long last we can get over losing Lualua!


talesofspike September 28 2006, 21:29:11 UTC
Lol! As long as we're through, I'm happy, and both my teams made it...


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