Week #032: Submissions

May 22, 2011 19:33

General: Crossover
Your icon(s) must feature a crossover between two different Tales of series OR a crossover between a Tales of series and a non-Tales of series (it can be series from game/anime/manga)
BE CREATIVE! 8D Tales of Graces has many of these ;)

Lyrical: Crossover songs
The lyrics on your icon(s) must have at least 3 consecutive words from each TWO (2) DIFFERENT SONGS (so there will be 3 from one song AND 3 other from another song). Please provide the links to your songs to prove that those songs exist.

Image: Tales of Graces
You may only use the image provided, please do not use any other version of it.

Click to enlarge

• Members may submit up to 3 icons (you may use the same theme for more than one icon)
• You may only use official images, no fanart/doujinshi/cosplay images are alowed.
• Icons must meet LJ requirements (100x100 max, 40KB max, PNG, JPG or GIF)
• You are not allowed to advertise your icon(s) until the winners have been announced.
• Please submit in the following format:

Series: Tales of Destiny 2
Community icon by twinstrike

Submission ends on Friday, May 27th at 09.00PM(UTC+7).

NOTE: Week #031 NEEDS MOAR votes! Please cast your vote HERE!

week 032, submission

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