Today in Middle-earth

Mar 31, 2006 15:46

Today is Friday, March 31.

It is Highday, 8 Rethe in the Shire-reckoning.
It is Valanya (Orbelain), 2 Tuilë in the reckoning of Rivendell.

Today in 3019, the Ringbearers are honoured on the Field of Cormallen.

As they came to the opening in the wood, they were surprised to see knights in bright mail and tall guards in silver and black standing there, who greeted them with honour and bowed before them. And then one blew a long trumpet, and they went on through the aisle of trees beside the singing stream. So they came to a wide green land, and beyond it was a broad river in a silver haze, out of which rose a long wooded isle, and many ships lay by its shores. But on the field where they now stood a great host was drawn up, in ranks and companies glittering in the sun. And as the Hobbits approached swords were unsheathed, and spears were shaken, and horns and trumpets sang, and men cried with many voices and in many tongues.

'Long live the Halflings! Praise them with great praise!
Cuio i Pheriain anann! Aglar'ni Pheriannath!
Praise them with great praise, Frodo and Samwise!
Daur i Berhael, Conin en Annun! Eglerio!
Praise them!
A laita te, laita te! Andave laituvalmet!
Praise them!
Cormacolindor, a laita tarienna!
Praise them! The Ringbearers, praise them with great praise!

~The Return of the King: The Field of Cormallen
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