Cloudy With A Chance Of Love

May 08, 2010 16:11

Fandom - Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
Length - 50 Sentences
Characters - Flint Lockwood, Sam Sparks
Rating - K+
Summary - 50 sentences based on a set of 50 prompts.
Author Notes - This is for a claim over at 1sentence.

The following are 50 sentences based on the Gamma set over at 1sentence. Basically, the point of the claiming community is to write only 1 sentence based on each prompt. I was surprised at how difficult this was! I mean, I've had the claim for a few months now and just finished it. (I have a second claim I hope to finish before the weekend is up.) Some of these are totally cheesy and a few are even redundant, but -eh- whatever. BTW, I fail when it comes to semicolons and hyphens, so some of these probably aren't even grammatically correct :P

01 - Ring
Sam had been expecting a ring, sure, but she never expected Flint would give her the largest onion ring in the world.

02 - Hero
Flint Lockwood was more than just the world’s hero for destroying the FLDSMDFR; he was her hero for reminding her who she really was.

03 - Memory
“Fran would have loved you, Sam,” Tim Lockwood smiled at his new daughter-in-law with a tear in his eye as he added, “and I remember Flint said the first time he saw you, it was like she was somewhere in the back of his mind telling him you were the one.”

04 - Box
“Sam, were you expecting a large package from Primo Baby Beds?” Flint shouted to his wife in the other room before turning back to look at the delivery guy, the confused smile on Flint’s face changing to sudden shock before he fainted.

05 - Run
If Sam had her way, she would run away from New York and her internship back to the only place that had ever felt like home because he lived there.

06 - Hurricane
Flint would never forgive himself if he lost Sam in the midst of the perfect food storm he’d created.

07 - Wings
“So you seriously didn’t put wings on your first flying car?” Sam raised an eyebrow as she looked at pictures of Flint’s past inventions.

08 - Cold
Sam shivered as she looked out the window of her New York City apartment, taking a break from her packing, but her heart warmed as she thought of seeing Flint again in just a few more days.

09 - Red
“Roses are red and violets are blue, but the prettiest flower is you” were words that would sound like a cheesy, regurgitated line of babble from anyone else, but not from the sweet nerd that she was lucky enough to hear them from.

10 - Drink
Sam learned the hard way that the only thing worse than Steve and gummy bears was Flint and an energy drink.

11 - Midnight
Looking at the clock and heaving a sigh, Sam turned out the light knowing that the empty space beside her meant some scientific breakthrough would keep Flint from coming to bed anytime soon.

12 - Temptation
As Flint’s business grew larger so did the staff, but no personal secretary would ever be able to steal his heart from Sam; nevertheless, Sam might have made sure the agency only sent applicants closer to Tim’s age.

13 - View
The view from the strawberry hot air balloon Flint had constructed was absolutely breathtaking, but not as breathtaking as Sam as the wind wreaked havoc on her ponytail.

14 - Music
Flint hadn’t realized Sam was such an amazing singer until she wowed him with her rendition of happy birthday.

15 - Silk
Flint talked to his dad and he agreed Fran would want Sam to have the silk scarf that had been her heirloom.

16 - Cover
Sam’s mother had always told her she shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but since all of the other kids bullied her, she never understood what that meant until she met Flint.

17 - Promise
When Sam looked into Flint’s eyes, she knew that he would always do whatever it took to keep a promise.

18 - Dream
“Sam, wake up!” Flint finally managed to awaken Sam from her troubled sleep - as she had been flailing about wildly - to discover she had been trying to drive ratbirds away from a state of the art weather machine she had invented; shortly after an idea was born.

19 - Candle
As the tropical storm rocked the island of Chewandswallow, and lack of power supply kept Flint and Sam from their science, the couple surprisingly enjoyed playing a simple, old fashioned board game by candlelight.

20 - Talent
As Sam headed back to finish her internship in New York City, Flint encouraged her to be herself; no matter what the studio thought, he knew she was the most talented weather woman they could ever ask for.

21 - Silence
The room grew still, causing Flint’s eyes to focus on the doors adjacent to him, until, suddenly, the sound of an organ broke the silence, beckoning Sam to emerge as a vision in white.

22 - Journey
Flint had never journeyed away from his home in Swallow Falls, but he would get off the island one way or another so long as he made it to New York.

23 - Fire
The flames engulfed the roofing factory as Sam desperately looked around for any sign of Flint, some shouting he had gone back into rescue Steve; her panic finally gave way to relief as he emerged from the building with the alive, but terrified monkey in his arms.

24 - Strength
Sam had never imagined herself falling for the strong type, but Flint’s inner strength captured her heart and wouldn’t let go.

25 - Mask
As Sam looked in the mirror of her Chewandswallow hotel bathroom, she realized she was tired of hiding behind a mask; maybe Flint Lockwood was right and she should just be herself.

26 - Ice
“Sam, your hands are like ice!” Flint panicked as she leaned in closer against him for any warmth; the temperature in the house was more than seventy so he knew something had to be wrong.

27 - Fall
Sometimes Sam worried that Flint would fall off a roof and hurt himself, but she kept this fear a secret.

28 - Forgotten
Sam was debating calling Flint to scold him for forgetting to call her on their six month anniversary when there was a sudden knock on the door of her New York City apartment.

29 - Dance
Tears of overwhelming joy welled in Sam’s eyes after Flint leaned close to her ear and whispered, “You’re my first dance.”

30 - Body
Sure, he wasn’t physically built like one would expect the perfect man to be, but Sam loved everything about Flint’s lanky, imperfect body.

31 - Sacred
It was a sacred vow, but as they locked eyes, both Flint and Sam knew they could trust the other’s “I do.”

32 - Farewells
If there was one thing Flint hated, it was saying good-bye; thus, it was no wonder he clung desperately to Sam when she said she needed to go back to New York City.

33 - World
Flint had saved the world, yes, but he would never be a bigger hero than the hero he had been for Sam.

34 - Formal
As much as she loved his lab coat, Sam was not about to let him wear it to the hero’s banquet being held in his honor at the U.N.

35 - Fever
As Flint sweated through the night with a temperature of 103 degrees, he kept imagining he was being taken care of by a blonde angel.

36 - Laugh
From the very first time Sam and Flint shared a nervous chuckle, Manny knew this would become more than just an assignment for the perky blonde.

37 - Lies
Sam couldn’t believe she’d almost fallen for his lies; he told her she was beautiful the way she was, but here he was so obsessed with what everyone thought.

38 - Forever
It wasn’t until she thought she’d lost him forever that Sam realized she more than like-liked Flint.

39 - Overwhelmed
Sam cried bitterly after seeing the explosion off in the distance.

40 - Whisper
“You’re beautiful no matter how you wear your hair,” Flint whispered as he removed Sam’s hair scrunchy; he wanted her to know he loved her no matter what she looked like.

41 - Wait
Even though it was hard, Flint was willing to wait for Sam until she returned from New York.

42 - Talk
As they sat across the restaurant table from one another on their first date, Sam was glad for the chance to finally get to know Flint without either of their pretenses.

43 - Search
Flint searched for the right words to say, to apologize for hurting Sam, for risking her life with his own insecurities, for lying about his peanut allergy, and so on all while Sam searched for the words to thank him.

44 - Hope
As Sam looked at Tim, she wished more than anything she could give him some hope for Flint having survived.

45 - Eclipse
It was the most beautiful eclipse she had ever seen as she turned and saw Flint, being carried by ratbirds, blocking her view of the sun.

46 - Gravity
There was no need for gravity as Sam and Flint bounced around in the giant orange Jell-O building he had constructed for her.

47 - Highway
Sam giggled as Flint geeked out over driving on his very first American highway.

48 - Unknown
Flint hadn’t known whether or not he would return to see her again, but he’d known he had to let her get the medicine she needed for her allergic reaction since there wouldn’t have been any point in even saving the world if anything happened to her.

49 - Lock
As Flint kneeled before her, a ring in hand, Sam nodded enthusiastically; she was more than ready to take the name Lockwood.

50 - Breathe
Sam loved it when she and Flint were so close they could breathe in unison.

genre: romance, rating: k+, pairing: flint/sam, length: 50 sentences, genre: general, category: movie, !complete, fandom: cloudy with a chance of meatball

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