Mm, yes. I'm just a bit put off by a lot of the previous and current Dania-bashing I've seen in the SArmy. =/ I mean, heck, she doesn't write her scripts. I was a little put off when she said that Heroes was directed at young males, but unlike Hayden's spoof PSA, that didn't bother me terribly and I expect she hasn't had that much contact with the fandom anyways (which is further reason that I was put off by the anti-Dania comments, although I'm sure our SArmy members will be quite civil).
I didn't like that interview with her either, I'm hoping that it was taken out of context and the she doesn't seriously believe that a almost sex scene is what we wanted. I'm just hoping that everyone there is respectful and the questions that they ask will be honest but not rude. I don't think it would be fair if the poor thing get's embarrassed.
Comments 4
Would not turn down a hot male guest.
I'm just hoping that everyone there is respectful and the questions that they ask will be honest but not rude. I don't think it would be fair if the poor thing get's embarrassed.
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