Harry and Ginny in Motion: Exchange Rules and Guidelines

Feb 01, 2009 01:24

Harry and Ginny are always moving: flying circles around the competition on the Quidditch Pitch, chasing down Death Eaters and exploring the globe on the journey of a lifetime.

In artwork and fiction, we're celebrating Harry and Ginny in motion. Everyone is invited to join us at takingitinturns, from longtime shippers to those who are writing or drawing Harry/Ginny for the first time. All ratings and all genres are included, from romance to drama, mystery or darkfic -- as long as it's Harry/Ginny, we'd love to have it!

The way it works is simple -- you make a request, we'll send you an assignment, and then you write or draw for someone else while another person fills your request. At the end, there'll be lots of Harry/Ginny for everyone to enjoy!

Signups will be open February 16-20, and assignments will go out by February 28. You'll have over a month to write and draw, then post your work to the community anytime before April 14.

1. Fic and art should incorporate the theme of travel or motion, and focus on Harry and Ginny and their romantic relationship. Of course, other characters and concepts can be used, too. Please no character- or ship-bashing.

2. This is an exchange fest -- for the fest to work, it has to be a two-way street: you request AND you contribute a gift for another person. Please don't sign up unless you know you can fulfill an assignment. Names of dropouts will be public at the conclusion of the fest.

3. Anyone of any age can sign up. No prior experience is necessary. A livejournal account is required, so that you can post your work to the community.

4. Works of any rating are welcome! If you or your recipient are under 18, please stick to ratings suitable for teens.

5. Stories and artwork should be of finished quality: at least 1,000 words for fic, and a filled-out sketch or finished product for art -- no "drawbles." Everyone should use a beta, in order to make their work the best possible.

6. Posting of stories and artwork is not anonymous, but it should be a surprise! Please try to keep your assignment a secret until it's posted.

7. Post your story/artwork to this community on or before April 14. Include the full story text or artwork in the community post - not just a link. Please wait until after the fest is over before posting your story elsewhere.

8. A late story is better than no story at all, but anyone who has not posted within 2 weeks of the due date will be considered a dropout. At this time all orphaned requests will be made available to the community for pinch hitters. However, requests made by dropouts are not eligible for pinch hitters.

Signup Form:
THIS IS NOT THE POST WHERE YOU SIGN UP. Signups will open February 16. The form is provided so that you can take your time and fill it out in advance if you like that kind of thing.

Try to give your writer/artist enough suggestions to work with, but not to overwhelm. If requesting art, please make art-friendly requests. For example, colors or styles you enjoy (blue, art deco), settings or scenes (The Burrow, playing Quidditch), or just individual details (candles, scarves, sunrise) can all be very helpful to artists. Art requests are dependent on the number of artists who sign up (of course!).

Livejournal Username:
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Will you be contributing fic or artwork?

Would you like to request fic or artwork?
Favorite genres/types of fic/art: (angst, adventure, romance, dark, sexy, etc.)
Requested elements:
(optional) poetry, quote, or lyric for inspiration:
Squicks and elements to leave out:

Favorite things to write/draw:
Squicks and things you don't want to write/draw:

Any questions? Ask away!

rules, mod post, fest:in motion

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