Title: "Creation" Artist: littlesinner Pairing: Harry/Ginny Rating: PG Summary: For savepureness who asked for art that contains angst combined with romance and for Famous!Ginny and Pregnant!Ginny coming home after work
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beautiful job on the shading and detail in this one. Both thier hands and the way thier clothing falls are beautifully done, very realistic. I love the expression on Ginny's face--you can see happiness and sadness (I also really like the shape of her nose). The way Harry is positioned behind her is very cute and the movement to the piece is sweet and passionate. You created a whole scene, and it's very lovely.
Love Ginny's collar bones and stomach. And Harry's hair. *stares* And the swirly magic - you did a great job incorporating motion (and emotion)in this scene.
This is wonderful! You did a great job with a part of the request that I thought you'd probably choose to skip over. :) I love seeing Harry and Ginny like this, on the cusp of something new. The emotion on their faces is very strong, and the use of magic is very well-done.
Comments 11
Brava! I'm so glad you had time to participate.
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