Heroes fic: Secrets

Sep 22, 2007 16:21

Title: Secrets
Characters: Heidi/Nathan, Peter
Word Count: 1,120
Rating: PG-13 for mild language
Spoilers: through 1.23, "How to Stop an Exploding Man"
Summary: Heidi waits for her husband to come home.
Disclaimer: Everything but the words belongs to Tim Kring and company.

When the key rummages in the lock on the front door at three in the morning, Heidi is awake to hear it. )

fic: *all, fic: heroes: heidi/nathan, fic: heroes: petrellis, fic: heroes

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Comments 13

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takethesky87 September 22 2007, 21:45:59 UTC
Squee, thank you so much!! Thanks for the great feedback, I'm glad it struck a cord with you. :)


azarsuerte September 22 2007, 22:58:15 UTC
Oh, that is beautiful!


takethesky87 September 22 2007, 23:02:45 UTC
Thank you!! :)

I love your icon, btw.


azarsuerte September 23 2007, 20:34:31 UTC
*grin* Thanks. It seemed oh-so-appropriate. *g*

Wish I could take credit for making it, but the artist is credited in my userpic keywords if you're interested in her work. :-)


meli_64 September 23 2007, 06:41:11 UTC
Absolutely brilliant that was. :D


takethesky87 September 23 2007, 16:05:52 UTC
Thanks so much! :)


fool_of_ships September 23 2007, 07:42:48 UTC
I love you for 1) gettting inside Heidi's head and acknowledging there's got to be something there, 2) addressing the multi-issue of revelation and guilt and forgiveness so elegantly, and 3) using the word "singular" correctly. The imagery in this piece is beautiful as always...such a great read!


takethesky87 September 23 2007, 16:09:08 UTC
Yaay, thank you so much! Heidi has always intrigued me; I hope they use her more in season 2 (asdklagdh ONE MORE DAY OMG) because her character has so much potential.

And LOL to the "singular" thing! :D


lostandalone22 September 23 2007, 09:58:25 UTC
That's really sweet, and I can picture her finding out that way.


takethesky87 September 23 2007, 16:09:37 UTC
Thanks, glad you liked it! :)


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