fic: Courage and Convictions (Rusty/Linus)

Sep 06, 2006 22:09

Title: Courage and Convictions
Author: flyakate (
Summary: Linus needs to steal some things, but others only take the courage to want them.
Rating: R
Recipient: trakkie
Notes: Written for the takethehouse challenge and more specifically trakkie, who wanted Rusty/Linus: Linus is almost a master thief. Hope this amuses and satisfies. No characters within belong ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

elle_05 September 7 2006, 12:01:39 UTC
I LOVED this story, especially the part about Rusty calling Linus's mum.

Nicely Done


flyakate September 10 2006, 16:51:58 UTC
Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing it :o)


inalasahl March 7 2007, 22:19:30 UTC
I very much enjoyed reading this.

I especially liked this part: There is no graceful stumble to the bedroom: Linus only has the one room with a futon (a set piece in his role as poor college student) three kisses and a groan away.


flyakate March 8 2007, 01:13:41 UTC
Thanks so much!


alesca_munroe June 14 2007, 01:29:26 UTC
This may very well be the best Rusty/Linus I've ever read. Keep it up.


flyakate June 15 2007, 08:58:15 UTC
Oh wow. Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it!


xenasoul August 19 2007, 06:57:24 UTC
Hey honey:) Can I invite you to post your fic at rusty_linus community???


wouldbedorothy January 17 2011, 02:52:02 UTC
LOVE this :)

I am happily on a Rusty/Linus kick right now. So happy to find such good fic!


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