Fic: Get Right (gen)

Sep 06, 2006 19:13

Title: Get Right
Author: amatia
Summary: Rusty's sixteen when he meets Danny, in the courthouse waiting to see a judge.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Recipient: flyakate
Notes: I used elements from three of the requests in this story. It's kinda long. I didn't expect to end up writing fourteen pages of backstory! *g* flyakate, I hope you like it! (Many thanks to rossetti and schuyler for ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

fearlessfan September 7 2006, 03:44:54 UTC
Oh wow, I loved this, from beginning to end. Rusty and Danny are great in this, of course, and the little glimpses at other characters (Saul, Basher, Reuben) are fantastic. The best fic, for me, are stories that capture the heart of something I love and give me something new that feels true. This story definitely does that. Thank you for sharing it - I loved it!


meacoustic September 7 2006, 03:49:29 UTC
Thank you for the lovely feedback!


dancinguniverse September 8 2006, 04:47:32 UTC
Um, this is gorgeous. I didn't know it was possible for me to love any O11 fic this much that wasn't my main ship of D/R. This is just... I love it. It hurts without being sappy, it's clean and spare and involves the other characters, even peripherally... very nice.


meacoustic September 8 2006, 04:49:17 UTC
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.


flyakate September 10 2006, 17:00:41 UTC
Wow, this is awesome! I really love how real Danny and Rusty feel in this, how their relationship isn't perfect but makes total sense to them.

I also loved the trip to Belize so much!

Great job!


meacoustic September 11 2006, 03:58:13 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


thefourthvine September 15 2006, 19:13:50 UTC
Wow. I enjoyed this immensely. I thought the backstory felt right - that's about the best Rusty backstory I've seen - and I loved the buildup and the ending. Lovely.


meacoustic September 15 2006, 20:31:28 UTC
Thank you very much!


(The comment has been removed)

meacoustic May 14 2007, 21:07:17 UTC
Thanks so much!


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