Title: Speechless
takegamiteijiroRating: PG
Genre: Fluffy Angst?
Warnings: Angst
Summary: Even without a voice, Gackt has the strength to hang on.
Word Count: 1281
Fandom: J-Rock
Character/Pairing: Gackt x Hyde
Side Note: I'm not too fond of writing things at no-o'clock in the morning because they usually come out badly, but... ^^;
Speechless )
Comments 9
And except for a couple of missed words/spellings, it's perfect!
*wipes eyes* *cuddles Gackt*
other than that, I'm glad you enjoyed it~~!
Umm... I could tell you more tomorrow *when I've printed it off and read it in bed, and marked it*, but the one off the top of my head is:
-""I'm sorry I was so late," Hyde offered when they broke apart, and it was only then that Gackt realised there was something lover's other hand, hidden behind his back."
Something IN his lover's hand. Yeah XD
-And I think there was a "be" instead of a "he", but maybe that was another story...
I can tell you better tomorrow ^^;
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