Komu's message

Mar 15, 2011 11:11

An update in Umegei's web page
Asami Hikaru is requesting for donations to help her hometown, Miyagi, Sendai. The city that the tsunami destroyed.

Let's help!

EDIT: Somebody who knows japanese please help me to translate the message so we can know better the way of helping.

Thanks to amaranti we can have the translated version fo Komu's request:

"Only a few hours ago my hometown has been erased without a trace.
I am still aghast watching the pictures shown on TV.
I am devastated at not being able to go to the location of this disaster.
Now, there is something that even I should be able to do; I have been thinking that there must be something I can do.

I have decided to start something at any rate, and I have established the "Asami Hikaru Hometown Donation" fund.

Even if by myself, my power is insignificant, with the help from the strength of other people I am certain that it will become a great force.
I do not have the opportunity to speak directly to each one of you, but
please, please, lend your strength to those in the affected areas.
                                 Asami Hikaru.

The "Asami Hikaru Hometown Donation Fund" is accepting donations for the people in the Miyagi prefecture which was badly affected by the Great North-eastern Kanto Earthquake

The bank account to be used for deposits is
Mizuho bank, Setagaya branch, (Normal) 1230898 with K.
Your donations will be used to support the area hit by the earthquake through the Miyagi prefecture disaster countermeasure/mitigation headquarters.
Thank you in advance for your support.

(Lit, we humbly request your support/co-operation).

Note: The amount and the number of times you donate is free to you choosing. Please be aware that you will be charged a deposit fee charged each time you donate. We will also be unable provide you with a receipt."

Also midoriseppen  is offering her help to collect the money you would want to donate to help Sendai, more details here: community.livejournal.com/takarazuka/473966.html

Thanks to you all! :)

umegei, .star: asami hikaru, japan earthquake

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