The One With The Cumtears

Jan 05, 2013 17:29

Returned from my usual New Year adventures in Barcelona, and somehow before then I completed all my Christmas exchange fics. By somehow I mean without sleeping for several days over Christmas. That went well.

For Yuletide I wrote Tiger & Bunny:

Title: Embers Upon Hearth
Rating: PG
Words: 7,276
Summary: Kotetsu & Barnaby, post series ( Read more... )

fic:nightwing, fic:batfam, fic:master and commander, pimpin, fic:tiger & bunny, links i like, shokushu for you, fic

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Comments 2

ontogenesis January 17 2013, 06:45:51 UTC
I read the Tiger & Bunny one. You portrayed Barnaby very well, his desire to be loved / a part of a family but his fear and inability to vocalize this -- yet Kotetsu understands him so very perfectly.

Thanks for the card!

BTW, sent an e-mail to your Yahoo account.


takadainmate January 25 2013, 11:17:39 UTC
Thank you, Son! I had a great time writing that fic. I was sad my person on Yuletide didn't like it. :(

Looking forward to hopefully seeing you in summer!


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