Aurora and the chainsaw

Nov 22, 2010 13:11

In brief:

- zoeiona and multiclassgeek's party was excellent.

- gnine has tragically left us to return to the barren wastelands of her home country. This is very sad ( Read more... )

links i like, i have a life, fic:supernatural, shokushu for you, london mini-adventures, obsession du jour, fic

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Comments 106

thisissirius November 22 2010, 13:26:40 UTC
my Yuletide assignment involves not a single one of the characters I offered. This is tragic beyond words. SAME. i am distressed but not enough that it will stop me writing :/


takadainmate November 22 2010, 13:28:30 UTC
For me it's more that I am completely unfamiliar with the characters my person did request, so there's no way I can even try to fulfil their request. Alas.


thisissirius November 22 2010, 13:32:14 UTC
have you told them? because i'm pretty sure they'd try and fix it :/

at least i have a character i can work with D:


takadainmate November 22 2010, 14:32:05 UTC
Well, I'm assuming my person put "any character" for her choice, but then in her specifics she only talked about all these random characters I know hardly anything about. ;_;


tiptoe39 November 22 2010, 15:05:07 UTC
If this is a writing exercise I fear what happens when you write seriously. I will be in my bunk for a year. God, their voices, the conflict... so spot on, and so hot. <3


takadainmate November 22 2010, 15:33:11 UTC
Heh. I don't often write just pr0nz in this fandom, so it broke up the difficulties of writing epic-length stories. Glad you enjoyed this so very much though!


laceymcbain November 22 2010, 15:23:15 UTC
This was lovely. I do wish we'd get more Cas this season - if I'm frustrated by it, I can't imagine how frustrated the two of them are!!!

For Yuletide - that's unfortunate - but the thing is the details are optional, so I guess the thing is to remember that the person will likely be happy with any story in their fandom, and they've just put the details out there as a shot in the dark. Just remember, you're a fantastic writer - anyone would be lucky to be the recipient of your stories.


takadainmate November 22 2010, 15:37:35 UTC
Agreed. I am going to believe they are having multiple trysts between episodes... I suppose this lack of Cas is a reason for the depressing absence of much post-ep fic this season.

It's the first time I've done Yuletide so I was a bit dissapointed because I won't be able to fulfil my recipient's requests. I shall do what I can...


mulder200 November 22 2010, 15:35:27 UTC
LOL! I love Dean's thoughts here. Yeah, he admits he's being a dick but he also cares about Cas and wants to make him happy too.

And I like to think Cas feels the same way too.


takadainmate November 22 2010, 15:44:09 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it.

Actually, I think this fic started out as a reponse to a prompt you put somewhere on a kink meme, and I saw it and was inspired. And then forgot that's why I was writing this. So. Yes. Suprise! XD


mulder200 November 22 2010, 16:25:32 UTC
LOL! Really? Awesome!

Always glad to be a source of inspiration.


harper47 November 22 2010, 16:11:38 UTC
This felt very in character. I loved listening to Dean's thoughts and the way everything slowly escalated. Very enjoyable read. I want this "distance" between them fixed so much that it's great to read stories that attempt to repair things.


takadainmate November 23 2010, 10:08:07 UTC
Mostly, I thought a nice bit of angry!sex would bring them together. XD Glad you liked it!


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