Harry Potter - showdown ficlet

Sep 17, 2007 21:11

note: this Harry Potter fanfic was written before the release of HP7.

Inspired by Maya's Underwater Light ch17. Originally written for writing_days.
I'm very much a fan of killing people off so they don't have to deal with their problems, and therefore, the writer (me, actually--other writers aren't allowed to do this) doesn't have to.

"I do not fear death," Harry Potter said so only Voldemort could hear. "I seek it. Then his eyes crackled green fire, and in the dark swirls of energy rushing madly around their bodies like the dust of oblivion, the Boy Who Lived pointed his wand at his own throat and sneered so coldly that even Tom Riddle, buried deep, was frightened.

The savior of the wizarding world left his body collapsed on the ground before the stunned onlookers trying desperately to rush to his aid or his demise.

The last hope of the wizarding world wrapped himself around Voldemort's heart, overwhelming it with the light of love and the dark of despair, tainting the Dark Lord's angry red blood with the green of death and venomous hatred.

The vortex of their power was imploding into the frail figure of the man who feared death, and Voldemort was ash inside his sweeping black robes. Harry's body lay still in the midst of a shredding universe.

Then there was stillness. Then there was nothing.

The Side of Light had triumphed, and the Boy Who Lived, at long last, found his death.

fanfiction, harry potter, oneshot, complete

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