kinky_fantasy - List 1: 25 claimed - fic master list

Oct 05, 2011 22:10

This is the [new] home for my master list of kinky_fantasy List 1: Fantasy + Kink = Fic stories. I'll add prompt pairs and links as they're finished and posted.

Story Count: 1/25

Fantasy + Kink = Fic )

master lists, kinky_fantasy, slash, erotica, prompts & requests, original

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Comments 2

choicepotatoes October 6 2011, 04:21:12 UTC
The Blindfolding the Basilisk link is broken! D:


newtypeshadow October 6 2011, 04:29:33 UTC
Fixed it! ^_^

ps. I adore your cuddle!shirt icon. *snugs*


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