Weiss Kreuz - slash_me_twice - 074. Flower

Oct 06, 2007 17:09

074. Flower
Warnings: AU
Notes: for slash_me_twice challenge.

Schuldig sniffs the air and grins. “Weiss is here.”

Nagi raises an eyebrow, but has learned not to ask how Schuldig knows. “Where are they?” he asks instead.

“Close,” Schuldig says, smile widening.

Farfarello withdraws his knife and slouches into a fighting position. Crawford presses his back against the wall by the door and waits.

Behind the next wall, Ran tenses. How does he always know? “Attack,” he says into the comm.

After the drill ends, Schuldig and Ran walk to the parking lot together. “How do you always know?” he asks, “it’s not as if you have special powers.”

Schuldig eyes Ran up and down and leers. “You really wanna know?” He leans in close and stage whispers, “It’s because you smell like a girl.”

Ran’s eyes widen comically before he reaches out and smacks Schuldig in the arm. “I do not,” he retorts.

Schuldig laughs. “You do, you smell like flowers all the time! I smell flowers and I think of you working at that shop. I smell perfume and think, ‘There goes Ran, rolling in his flowers again.’”

Ran jams his hands in his pockets and bumps Schuldig with his shoulder. “Shut up.”

The other man just slides an arm around Ran’s shoulder and saunters on toward the back lot. “Don’t worry,” he says when Ran pulls out his keys and presses the button to unlock his car doors, “I still think you’re manly enough to fuck.”

Ran fumbles his keys and stops walking entirely. His face and neck have turned as red as his hair, and his mouth hangs open. Schuldig laughs and ruffles the stunned man’s hair before he can regain his composure, and dashes off to his own car. “See you later, flower boy!” he calls back.

Ran just gapes until the Schuldig’s red sports car has zoomed out of sight. Then he unlocks his car, slides into the driver’s seat, adjusts himself, and slides the keys in the ignition.

fanfiction, slash_me_twice, oneshot, weiss kreuz, complete

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