Weiss Kreuz - slash_me_twice - 062. Meeting - rockstar5

Oct 06, 2007 17:01

062. Meeting - rockstar5
Notes: A fair bit longer than the others. Also, I am tired. I blame the suck on that. This is the last fic I intend to write in this chronological sequence. Perhaps not in the rockstar!Weiss universe, but this series thingy, at least, is done.

Ran wonders if he’s drunk. But the chilled glass in his hands is filled with ice water, and the karaoke stage in the Kritiker VIP lounge is still damnably there and pulsing with the music of ‘Velvet Underworld,’ while the four actors he idolizes most in the world dance and sing onstage pretending to be-to be Weiss.

Naoe Nagi, a boy younger than Omi and a good deal more serious, based on interviews, is prancing around onstage and wiggling for the crowd, just like Omi does. Nagi winks and waves at their table, and Omi’s jaw drops. He slumps onto Ken and laughs.

Jei, a man normally very intense, quiet, and contained, is bouncing around the way Ken does: jumping around, miming playing electric guitar, working the crowd into a frenzy, and grabbing whoever’s closest to share his mic or clap on the shoulder.

Schuldig, the man Ran has been lusting over since he first saw the man point a gun on the big screen, is gyrating just like Yohji, and shaking his hair like a rock star, shimmying, and occasionally grinding up on Crawford.

And Brad Crawford. The man who refuses to take slapstick or sexual rolls because he thinks they’re a waste of time. Is acting like Ran does onstage. Ran squints and then rears back. Does he really act so…slutty?

“Do I really look like that?” Ran asks Yohji, not taking his eyes offstage.

“Hell yeah,” Yohji says, and then stands up and shouts, “Schuldig! I wanna have your babies!” Schuldig turns around and cups himself at Yohji. Yohji whistles and cheers until Ran and Ken drag him back down.

“Should I be laughing, cheering, or crossing myself?” Ken asks.

Omi suddenly goes red in the face staring at Nagi. “He blew-” He puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles. The sound carries and suddenly all of pseudo-Weiss is singing right at them. Oh no. Oh no. The song just ended and they’re moving. The closing music is playing, and they’re moving.

The entire VIP lounge is on its feet, and Weiss-Schwarz-the men of Schwarz-are ignoring all of them and coming to Ran’s fucking table.

Ran knows he’s going red in the face. Schwarz is coming toward him. Them. Toward their table. Yohji bumps Ran and grins. “Loosen up,” he says, and stands up with the crowd to clap.

Ran doesn’t know whether to join him so he’s not the only one sitting, or bury his head in his arms and try not to hyperventilate.

Yohji settles things for him by lugging him to his feet and kissing him squarely on the cheek. That snaps Ran out of his funk quickly-he slaps Yohji upside the head and turns to Schwarz, clapping and grinning smugly. He knows his face is still red, but at least he’s not still sitting there like an idiot.

Yohji does have his good points.

At least, he does until he shoves Ran out of the booth and beckons Schwarz in. Omi ends up sitting between Ken and Naoe Nagi, Jei sits in a chair someone pulls up for him on the other side of Nagi, Crawford takes the chair next to Jei, and Ran finds himself between Brad Crawford and Schuldig, who Yohji begins talking to animatedly enough that Ran feels embarrassed for being so silent. He looks helplessly across the table at Omi, but he’s talking to Nagi, and both seem shy enough that he doesn’t want to interrupt. Ken looks like he’s about to strike up a conversation with Jei and Brad Crawford, so Ran just leans back and lets it all sink in.

Schuldig is hot and an amazing dancer and actor, but he really can’t sing worth a damn.

Crawford could out-pole dance a stripper, and apparently that’s his impression of Ran onstage.

Jei obviously has a more wicked sense of humor than reporters give him credit for.

Naoe Nagi is a Weiss fanboy and probably has a crush on Omi.

Schuldig-the Schuldig-nudges Ran. “You ok, Mister Voice?”

Ran turns redder and ducks his head. “Aah,” he says.

Yohji laughs. “‘I’d probably die’ is right, Ran! You don’t look so good.”

That makes Ran sit up. He glares past Schuldig at Yohji and purses his lips. He breathes.

“Oh shit, he’s gonna kill you,” Ken laughs.

Yohji scoots closer to Ken. “You’ll protect me, ne, bishounen?”

“Against Ran?” Ken snorts. “You’re on your own.”

Jei looks from Ken to Yohji to Ran. “Is he dangerous?” He seems intrigued.

Crawford snorts and says, “I’m getting a drink. Nagi, where’s your wallet?”

Ran shakes his head and uncurls the fists he didn’t realize he’d formed in his lap. “I’ll go with you,” he says, standing and leaning on the table. “Anyone want anything?”

Schuldig raises a finger. “A blowjob.”

Ran nearly sits down on the floor. As it is, he stares at Schuldig like he’s grown another head. “You want a blowjob?”

Nagi coughs.

“Yes,” Schuldig says wickedly, “I want you. To give me. A blowjob.”

Ran looks at Yohji, who’s laughing. “Tell me it’s a drink,” he says. Yohji’s laughing too hard to do anything but nod, so Ran nods tiredly and sighs. “Anyone else?”

Schuldig raises his finger again. “Actually, I didn’t mean the drink.”

Ran is turning red. Crawford saves him by loosening his grip on the table and pulling him to the bar. He sits Ran down on a stool next to him and pushes up his glasses. The bartender comes, and Crawford takes out a handful of Nagi’s bills and shoves them at him. “A Macallan for me, straight up, and a mojito for him.”

The bartender grins at them and slides their drinks forward. “Good show, guys,” she says with a wink before going to her next customers. Ran and Crawford surprise themselves by groaning at the same time. They glance at each other and chuckle.

Crawford says, “Ignore Schuldig or don’t, but be up front about it and remember that he’s a terrible flirt.”

Ran nods like he knows why Crawford is telling him this, and takes a sip of his drink. He lets the sweet minty taste settle on his tongue before swallowing. It burns pleasantly on the way down. He doesn’t look at Crawford. Crawford doesn’t look at him. They sit in silence until Ran finally asks, “Do I really look like that on stage?”

Crawford stills, glass halfway to his lips. “Like what?”

Ran blushes. “Like…er…”

Crawford grins wickedly. “Yes. You really do.”

Ran takes another sip of his drink and contemplates killing Yohji once again, and also possibly offing his baby sister.

When Crawford decides they’ve sat long enough, he orders a glass of water, two buttery nipples, and a blowjob. Ran stoically helps carry things back, balancing the drinks in his hands like he’s back waiting tables, and places them each in front of the person Crawford directs. The water is for Ken-not that he asked, but he’s thankful when he gets it; the nipples are for Naoe Nagi and Omi; the blowjob is for Schuldig, of course. It seems Jei has stolen what’s left of Ran’s water; he isn’t going to ask for it back.

“Where’s my drink?” Yohji asks.

Crawford smirks at him. “We only have so many hands between us.” He sits down and takes a sip of his half-finished his whisky. “If you still want something, you should go get it.”

Ran sits down with a chuckle and takes another sip of his mojito. He’s thankful that Crawford is dealing with Yohji right now-he really doesn’t want to. Yohji’s had three shots already anyway.

Yohji whines, “I’m locked in! Schuldig, tell Ran to get me a drink.”

Ran raises an eyebrow at Yohji and grins wickedly. Schuldig takes a look at Ran’s face and turns back to Yohji. “Don’t think that’ll cut it. Hey Ran, wanna see how you drink a blowjob?”

For once, Ran doesn’t blush, and he is immensely thankful.

“Oh God,” Nagi says, looking up. “Schuldig, don’t. Omi, don’t look.”

Omi pulls Nagi’s hands away from his eyes and holds them below the table so Nagi can’t try to block his vision again. Ran hides a grin in his drink and sips before saying, “Sure, Schuldig. Show me how to drink a blowjob.”

Schuldig pulls his fiery hair back and produces a ponytail from a front pocket. He ties back his hair in the black band and then eyes Ran hungrily. “You ready?”

The table is watching. Ran lifts a challenging eyebrow and waves Schuldig on.

Schuldig grins, bends over the shot glass, stretches his lips around it, and upends it-all without using his hands. The creamy liquid slides down his throat, and Ran watches his pale Adam’s apple bob as he swallows the shot and then gracefully lowers the glass back onto the table. It clacks against the glass and Schuldig releases it with a slurp.

Ran’s eyes are wide and he’s probably half-hard under the table. He feels as if every nerve in his body is screaming Schuldig’s name. Schuldig gives him a piercing look, like he knows every dirty thought Ran has ever had and wants to act on them, and leers. “That, my darling, is how you swallow a blowjob.

The men of Weiss clap. Jei says, “Schuldig swallows,” like he’s solemnly passing judgment on the world.

Schuldig’s jaw drops. He rips the band from his hair, twists it around his thumb and forefinger, and shoots it at Jei. “Fuck you,” he says.

Jei doesn’t dodge, and the band bounces off his forehead and lands on the table. “Thanks,” he says, and pockets the black ponytail.

“Hey, give that back!”

“It’s mine now.”

“It is not!”

“You gave it to me. You must not want it anymore.” Jei grins.

Schuldig pouts and leans on Ran’s shoulder. “Ran, make him give it back.”

Ran feels acutely the weight of Schuldig’s head on his shoulder, and uses his left hand to sip his drink so he won’t jostle the other redhead. “Jei?”

Jei looks up at him.

“Schuldig would like his hair band back. It’s hard to give blowjobs with your hair in the way.”

Schuldig shoots off Ran’s shoulder and stares at him like he’s grown another head.

Ken bangs the table with his hand, he’s laughing so hard. “And the claws come out,” he crows.

Yohji makes a little cat noise, and Ran just shakes his head and purses his lips, fingering the rim of his glass. “Yohji,” he says quietly. Yohji shuts up immediately.

Jei stares from Ken and Yohji to Ran, and silently hands the ponytail to Ran. Ran hands it absently to Schuldig and says, “Thank you, Jei. I’m sure whoever Schuldig propositions will be very thankful.”

Schuldig stares at Ran for a full minute, then bursts out laughing and wraps his arms around him. “I knew it!” he says. “Can I have a sip of your drink?”

Ran slides it over and puts his arms on the table. He’s feeling pleasantly buzzed enough that when Crawford asks, “They compare you to a cat?” Ken’s answer of “We’re all cats,” followed by the clamping of a hand over his mouth, doesn’t make Ran more than passingly annoyed.

“Why are you cats?” Nagi asks, pausing in his conversation with Omi.

“Ken-kun!” Omi says.

“I didn’t meant to!”

Omi sighs. “Alright, this is between us. We are all Weiss, after all.” He smiles shyly and Nagi looks like he’s going to pass out. “Aya-chan, Ran’s sister, watched the movie you were in as Schwarz with us. She decided that if we were going to be Weiss, we needed codenames.”

Ken shakes his head. “Omi, stop.”

“Oh, no, Ken-kun. You wanted to tell them. Anyway, we-”

Ken clamps a hand over Omi’s mouth. It is Yohji who takes up the story. “She named us after cats, basically. So we’ve got image flowers and cat names.” He shakes his head. “Aya-chan. If she weren’t your sister, Ran, I swear to God.”

“Yohji! That’s gross! She’s, like, Omi’s age!”

Ran pulls his drink back from Schuldig, who looks like he’s going to protest until he sees the glare Ran is shooting at Yohji.

“I didn’t mean it that way!” Yohji insists. “I meant I’d kill her!”

The members of Weiss all look at Ran. Who sips his drink and shrugs. “We’re in public, Yohji. You’re safe until we get in the car.”

“And then what?” Crawford asks.

Ran grins. “You don’t want to know.”

They find out they’re staying in the same hotel and end up mixing cars to go back. Omi and Nagi ride together, head bent close in the backseat the entire way. Ken drives because he’s sober, and Yohji didn’t trust Jei to drive his car. He didn’t trust Schuldig alone with Ran in Crawford’s car though, either, because since Crawford would be driving, he couldn’t watch out for Ran.

“Why aren’t you driving your car?” Ran asks, buckling his seatbelt.

Yohji peers back from the passenger side. “I don’t trust Schuldig not to rape you in your drunken state.”

“I’m not drunk,” Ran says at the same time as Schuldig snaps, “He’s not drunk.” The two look at each other and snicker.

“Tipsy bastards,” Yohji mutters. “Can’t this thing go any faster? Ken’s passing us.”

Crawford says, “I’m not fully sober. I don’t want to draw attention to myself.”

Yohji groans and falls back against the seat. “Shit. I’m gonna die in a car with two horndogs in the back and a drunk in the driver’s seat. That’s just sick.”

Schuldig smuggles Ran into the lobby before Yohji has his seatbelt unbuckled. Crawford, wonderful man that he is, drives off to valet parking area before Yohji can scramble out the passenger side door. Ran runs to the elevators, Schuldig right behind him, and they press the button about ten times before the blessed ding sounds and the gold doors open. People are looking at them strangely, but neither of them cares. It’s 4am and they’re tipsy and horny and neither has said anything about it but both of them know it. The air between them is electric and thick.

The elevator doors close and Schuldig presses the 9 and then slams Ran against the dark cherry stained wood paneling and licks a hot stripe up his neck. Ran groans and Schuldig presses into him then, chest to knees, and thrusts his hips lightly. Ran thrusts back before he can stop himself, and when he meets Schuldig’s eyes, the look Schuldig gives him could melt sand into glass. Ran has never felt weak in the knees before, but the fall of hair sweeping the side of Schuldig’s face, and the way he has to look up to meet Schuldig’s piercing blue eyes, and Schuldig’s thigh pressing in-ohrightthere-Ran slams his head back against the wall and clenches his teeth.

Schuldig withdraws suddenly, and Ran nearly whimpers. But Schuldig just grips his hand in a reassuringly damp palm and tugs him out of the elevator and down the hall. A keycard unlocks the door, and Schuldig waves Ran inside with a gallant bow and a saucy grin.

Ran steps over the threshold, suddenly nervous, and stops.

Schuldig smacks his ass and Ran yelps and jumps forward. The door shuts them in the dark, and then the light flicks on and Schuldig is in front of him, tugging Ran to the couch. “Come into my parlor,” he beckons.

Ran rolls his eyes, but in truth is suddenly nervous. He’s alone with Schuldig-what if he screws up? But Schuldig leans forward and kisses him gently, the pads of his fingers skimming lightly over Ran’s cheek, and Ran’s heart beats fast for a different reason. He’s not nervous anymore-just tasting Schuldig’s sweetness on his lips, feeling the phantom touch on his face, and wanting only more of the heat.

Schuldig draws back, reaching gently for Ran’s wrist once more.

This time, Ran allows himself to be caught and softly drawn in.

fanfiction, slash_me_twice, oneshot, weiss kreuz, complete

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