Weiss Kreuz - slash_me_twice - 022. Arena

Oct 06, 2007 16:28

022. Arena

You billow in: coat of black, sword of light, hair of red.

You tell me I am a dark beast. You have come to hunt my tomorrow.

I smile at you, a shudder in my mind’s eye, and give you a push. You leave.

You seek me out, thunder in your eyes and rose petals in your fingers.

I smell you coming: the scent of an orchid, the scent of my death.

You glare at me, you ready your sword. I brush against you, kiss in a bullet, and leave.

We come together, here in this place. We are the traitors and you are our pawns.

You tell me even pawns can be queened. I tell you even queens are but pieces. It is finally time.

And so we enter this arena, me with my darkness and you with your innocence. We shall see who wins.

fanfiction, slash_me_twice, oneshot, weiss kreuz, complete

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