Star Trek lolwut

Aug 09, 2010 00:23

Lolol, so my sister has apparently started watching Star Trek. And apparently is making it her life's mission to make me watch it. Note that this is almost entirely due to her obsession with Wil Wheaton (which I never hear the end of), rather than any sort of legitimate interest. She helped me fold clothes for like an hour yesterday, b/c I said ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

sugareey August 9 2010, 15:09:05 UTC
Oh Star Trek. I actually like the old series; I haven't gotten around seeing the New Gen movie because I think fandom kind of scared me when it boomed overnight. Old school stuff makes me geeky and it's cool. But yes, if she's trying to suck you in, I can see why you'd want to steer clear.

Also, chocolate is awesome. I'm making my stash last from my birthday. :)


taira602 August 10 2010, 22:00:39 UTC
I actually really enjoyed the new movie! You'd think with a post like this I wouldn't, but I saw it in theaters and was just totally into it. Even though the beginning was cliche and omg argh why and the female characters other than Uhura were nonexistent or terrible - but other than that! I'd actually recommend it.

We're watching The Next Generation here, the first season. Which is apparently worse than the others. And the lack of Kirk and Spock means less slashy sleuthing. Which is bound to make Star Trek more interesting right there.


1800hugapirate August 9 2010, 20:20:58 UTC the shatner. points for greek cred and because it's shatner. HILARIOUSNESS IN THE STAR TREKS.

and people drink because it's a totally unrelated high to the chocolate high. and am familiar with the "no-real-food-for-days-zomigod-chocolate??" phenomenon. awesome.


taira602 August 10 2010, 22:03:26 UTC
I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHICH STAR TREK HAS SHATNER. I know that's like, really sad. Hence my total and complete bias here.

Oh I know, I know, I am basically making fun of myself for worshipping at the altar of chocolate while simultaneously being all *shrug* about alcohol.


1800hugapirate August 10 2010, 22:59:20 UTC
the original star trek has shatner. it is the funniest by far, although i <3 me some jean luke picard (you know, patrick stewart). those are the better two, the newest one was totally subpar. but watch the original. seriously. you'll enjoy it, for cheese factor if nothing else.


comfterbuls August 11 2010, 16:58:31 UTC
I LOOOOOVE TOS!!!! Have I not informed you of my new obsession with it? Yes, part of it is in an ironic hipster this-is-so-bad kinda way, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that part of me likes it totally unironically and in all its glory. <3 GIVE IT A CHANCE!


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