Title: A touch here, a glance there.
Pairing: Sooseop
Rating: R
Summary: One day during the filming of UKISS Vampire, Kiseop tries to mess with Soohyun. It backfires in a spectacular, though admittedly very sexy way.
Sometimes Soohyun regretted being able to read Kiseop so well. )
Comments 11
yeah it was actually supposed to go on from that end but I couldn't do it.
Stared at the words for a couple days without actually doing anything besides minor editing.
Then decided I'd better post it.
Out of curiosity, is Sooseop your OTP for UKISS?
First of all, don't apologize! Not everyone can write rated stuff (I certainly can't orz) but that doesn't mean you didn't give it your best shot! You did really well and I enjoyed it ^^b And the way you ended it was nicely done btw.
You should definitely use the gifs again! :D those were cute and added this extra cute touch to the notes ♥
I guess I was kinda comparing this to the last time I wrote an r-rated fic and didn't think it was as good?
I don't know anymore...
Can't help liking certain fics better than others OTL
Yeah I'll probably use the rabbit. Most of my rl friends are saying the same thing soooo~
Well I have no mental ability to write a proper comment now. I've been studying for hours, and add on rewatching the Dora Dora MV like 20 bajillion times, and the pain in my body... yeah, I'm pretty much nonsensical now.
But I loved this. Especially Soohyun's dirty talk.
anyways what?
Glad you enjoyed my failed smutthatisntreallysmutbecuasethereisnosex.
I was alternately breaking down into laughter while writing that and flailing because my brain was imagining what that might sound like.
Oh whatever. Smut is smut. Especially if it includes two effing hot Korean boys on top of each other.
Oh god, when did I get this pervy. I blame my friends.
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