Title: Silent Resonance
Pairing: SooSeop, ninja!Elvin
Rating: PG
Summary: Soohyun has been diagnosed with a nodule on his vocal chords. He can’t talk too much, sing too much. In losing his voice, he finds his words in Kiseop.
Months ago, when Kiseop asked Soohyun that question, it had been out of curiosity. He hadn't known what was to happen to the lead singer.
The ulzzang was always curious when it came to his hyung. What Soohyun’s favorite color was, what he liked to eat, what he liked to do in his free time, even what kind of girl he liked. Urgh. Kiseop didn’t like girls much in the first place, and when they got too close to Soohyun. Shaking his head to clear it of unpleasant images, Kiseop closed his eyes. Unbidden, a memory from a few months past rose to his mind.
“What would you do if ummmm… you were stuck in Canada all by yourself?"
"Hmmm." Kiseop considered the question. It was a game he and Soohyun often played when they were alone, this exchange of questions. The sessions generally dissolved into queries containing truly ridiculous situations but sometimes Kiseop learned fascinating things about Soohyun, like the fact that he found glasses cute. Very cute. Kiseop, despite the concern of his manager over whether or not it would affect his image, had worn his glasses much more often after he found out that particular fact.
"I'd call you and make you come get me." Soohyun looked greatly amused at the younger boy's response. "You know, I can't always come running to save you. It's not fair. Why not Eli or Kevin instead? They'd actually be able to understand the people there." Kiseop shook him head, blinking his large doe eyes. "Nope. I'd call you," he replied, grinning widely. "Cuz they'd be distracted by being so close to home and forget to bring me back." Burying himself into Soohyun's side so that his next words came out slightly muffled, he mumbled, "You'd come for me. I know you would." Lightly stroking the dark hair of the boy curled up agaimst him, Soohyun smiled affectionately. "Yes, I'd come to rescue you. Your knight in shining armor." They rested in companionable silence for a while, simply enjoying the presence of the other. Kiseop broke the silence a few minutes later.
"What if- No never mind. It'd never happen."
Curious, Soohyun tried to force the younger boy to tell him. "What is it?" he demanded. "Tell me now." When his request was refused, Soohyun decided drastic action was needed. Turning to face Kiseop, he planted his knees on either side of the other's body and let his fingers dance over every single ticklish spot he knew of. "N-No hyung!" Kiseop shrieked, between his giggles. "Don't- Ah! Not there," he whined, shifting constantly in an attempt to escape the long fingers of the person currently sitting on top of him. Irritated, Soohyun pinned both of Kiseop's hands to the ground in order to restrict the other's ability to move. Only after he succeeded in doing so did he realize exactly what kind of position that put them in. Soohyun was essentially straddling the other boy, leaning over his upper torso, and pinning his pale, thin wrists up above his head. He froze, unable to think straight. He didn't know why, but his heart had begun to pound wildly and he was starting to feel lightheaded.
Kiseop wasn't fairing much better, but for a completely different reason. Most of Soohyun's weight was resting on him, restricting his ability to breathe. "I suppose you'd better get off me then," he said in a strained voice. "It’s like we're about to have sex." The moment those words left his mouth, Kiseop immediately began mentally cursing himself. He had long ago acknowledged that he was gay. The only problem with that was he had fallen in love with his favorite hyung, his bandmate to boot. While he was normally able to hide his feelings, they had a way of showing up at very inconvenient moments. Like now. Thankfully, Soohyun merely sputtered for a moment before speaking. "Wh-what was that?!" he demanded, blushing furiously.
"I said that you should get off. Although you don't have to." Kiseop paused and Soohyun felt his cheeks reddening even further at the implications of that statement. "It is kind of uncomfortable though. Your knee is placed pretty nicely for a decapitation attempt." Kiseop mentally congratulated himself on the nice save. This time it was Soohyun’s turn to mentally swear. Of course Kiseop hadn't meant it that way. The boy was surprisingly innocent for someone in the entertainment industry, one of the reasons Soohyun felt so protective of him. That innocence was precious, and he didn't want it to change.
Getting off quickly, he helped Kiseop up into sitting position. They sank back into silence, though it was slightly more awkward than before. Again, Kiseop was the first to speak. "Hyung, what would you do if-" Pausing, he took a deep breath and let it all out in one long stream. "What would you do if you lost your voice and couldn’t sing?"
The ensuing quiet was nerve wracking for Kiseop. Thoughts were flying through his head. 'Was that too forward? Did I insult him? Will he think I'm too curious? Will he hate me?' The last thought was almost too much for him and for the second time that day, he buried his head in his hyung's side. Suddenly, he felt gentle fingers cupping his face and lifting it up. Met with Soohyun's serious face, he began to squirm slightly, certain that he was going to get it. However his efforts were in vain, as Soohyun simply tightened his grip. "What do you think I would do?"
"I-I don't know," Kiseop stuttered. Soohyun smiled and said, as if it were obvious, "I'd just get you to speak for me. You'd do it right?" Kiseop nodded violently. "Of course hyung."
"Well," Soohyun mused, "It's fair after all." Kiseop looked up at him, confusion written on his face. "What's fair?" he asked, cocking his head to one side like a curious puppy might. Soohyun smiled at the adorable expression the ulzzang had on. "I have to come and get you if you're lost right?" Kiseop nodded his assent. "In return, you will speak for me if I ever lose my voice."
Three months later and whatever remains of that memory is pushed aside by newer, more pressing matters.
"Soohyun, your throat is... Well in essence, you've been working it way too hard. You absolutely need to rest it. There are nodules on your vocal chords. Try not to talk or sing too much ok?" The doctor was firm about his ban on Soohyun speaking, singing, or doing anything that would strain it further.
An emergency meeting was called, UKISS’s managers sitting across from the bandmates. “We’re stopping the comeback promotions here,” they announce. “We want Soohyun to rest his voice as much as possible. Pick someone to speak for him okay? This is just temporary but for the time being, Soohyun, try not to push it.” Everyone nodded their understanding, then got up and left the room.
Later back in the dorms, UKISS held a meeting of its own to solve the problem of who would speak for Soohyun. Dongho was immediately discounted. He was too busy with all his schedules, most of which didn’t match Soohyun’s anyways. Eli and Kevin disliked the idea of either of the two having to be constantly around someone else. That left just Hoon, AJ, and Kiseop. The three stared at each other, unsure of what to do. Soohyun solved the problem for them though, stating that he’d prefer it if Kiseop could be the one.
“Well that’s the problem solved.” After saying that, Kevin skipped off to text Kibum and Alexander to tell them not to worry. "You're too quiet," Soohyun scolded, turning to Kiseop. "You're going to have to be my voice and talk for the both of us now."
"But-" Kiseop tried to protest. Why had Soohyun chosen him? Surely one of the more talkative members, like AJ, would have been a better choice. Soohyun cut off his protests with a single statement. "I'm making you fill your promise from before," he explained, smiling softly at the memory. Understanding flashed through Kiseop's eyes and the younger boy nodded. The others were confused at the statement but didn’t bother to pry after they realized Kiseop had agreed to act as Soohyun’s voice.
The pair tried out various forms of communication, ranging from sign language to Post-It notes. Most of these ways however, were cumbersome and sometimes weren’t as effective as they would have likes. Over the next few weeks, they learned to communicate using looks, movement, touches, anything but words. A touch on the palm meant yes, but so did certain expressions, specific movements. Kiseop, even though he was not the one forbidden from speaking, rarely vocalized his replies to Soohyun. Words were cumbersome, unnecessary since just one glance could speak volumes, transmit things that couldn't be put into words.
In the past few months, the pair had grown so close, it was hard to think of them as two separate people. They were together almost all the time and seemed a little lost if they were separated, even if it was only for a little while. Now it wasn’t uncommon to find them curled up together on the couch, Soohyun reading and Kiseop flicking through the pictures he’d taken that day. They’d taken to sleeping in the same bed, Kiseop’s head tucked tight against Soohyun’s broad chest and arms around each other. More often than not, Kiseop was humming. Sometimes he hummed songs but most of the time it was just tuneless little melodies. Curious, Kevin asked Kiseop why he did it. Kiseop had shrugged and replied, “Hyung misses the music. He won’t say it, but I can tell and I can’t sing like hyung can, so I hum. It’s the next best thing, I think.” During their time together, Kiseop had learned how to understand everything his bandmate tried to tell him and even the things he tried to hide.
So it came as no surprise to either of the two when, one night, things finally fell into place. Soohyun was out on the balcony of their shared dorm and Kiseop slipped out to join him. They stood in comfortable silence until four small words interrupted the peace.
“I like you too,” the younger boy whispered, nervously ducking his head. Soohyun’s face lights up at those words and Kiseop wondered why he was even nervous in the first place. Chuckling slightly, Soohyun pulls Kiseop into a tight hug. “You know me so well, you don’t even have to ask whether or not I like you huh. Am I that easy to read?” Shaking his head Kiseop tried to explain. “No, it’s not that you’re easy to read, it’s just that- I… You,” he trails off, unable to properly express how deep his understanding of Soohyun is. The other gathers him into a hug and smiles. “I was joking. I wouldn’t be able to explain how I understand you either.” They stay like that, staring out across the bright lights of Seoul. This time it is Soohyun who breaks the silence. “So does this mean you’re my boyfriend?” Kiseop smacks him playfully on the arm. “Do you even have to ask?” Soohyun grins. “Just checking.”
To Kiseop, it doesn’t feel very different. Soohyun still sits on the couch at the end of the day and Kiseop curls up beside him to flick through his photographs. They continue to sleep in the same bed, although they don’t always just sleep. Kiseop’s humming is now accompanied by a soft voice, Soohyun still careful about it even though it’s been months. The words aren’t the important part, it’s what exists in between the two of them that really matters. They are in love which each other, they both know it, and that’s all they’ll ever need.
A/N: I promised I’d get something up on Kiseop’s birthday so here it is ^^ Close, since it’s not technically his birthday in Korea anymore, but it still is where I am. Happy birthday to our lovely ulzzang~ XD First UKISS fic. Comments are adorable messes of squishiness and I love them very, very much. Just for anyone who reads this, I am planning some side stories to this. Maybe little additional drabbles or one of their Post-It conversations.