Title: Soft Spots for Soft Kittens
Pairing: Sooseop
Rating: G, fluffy mcfluffernutters
Summary: Kittens are cute. So is Kiseop. The two together are a threat to humanity.
Prompt: Kiseop finds a cat and brings it home. His lover and flatmate doesn't approve of all the attention he's giving the animal. Requested by darkqueen_25. )
Comments 76
I don't have a cat either (hell, I've never had a pet at all before), so if you royally screwed up the cat part, it doesn't really matter to me.
But yeah, FLUFF BUCKETSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~ have to wait for that other office thing for the carrots XD
I'm so damn tired rn, but I'll try to finish commenting before I go to bed...
Anyway, this was absolutely adorable, of course.An irrationally jealous Soohyun is always a wonderful, wonderful thing. Kiseop.... idek what to do with you anymore. I just want to keep you in a purse or something, because you can be such a perfect purse dog, but... Soohyun will attack me with the fury of a thousand suns. I don't want Soohyun to keep saying "Oppa hates you" to me.
Also, my parents and Soohyun are on the same page. My parents can't stand cats for some reason.They never explain why, they just don't like them.
Btw, did you even have a specific request, or was it just you yelling at me to finish all those random smut muses of mine?
it's a trippy cat. but that's ok.
BUCKETS OF IT. I'm out of practice with fluff. so this was rusty.
Soohyunnie being jealous is funnnn to write. a... purse.... dog..... I don't even. but then yes there'd be an angry hyun. which could be hard to deal with.
lol my entire family is allergic. we like them anyways.
this? yeah it was your req. the smut? nah that was stop girl.
At this point, no one really cares. What's important is how jealous Soohyun is of said trippy cat.
Naw, it was cute. :3
Just from his face he seems like the type of person that would get jealous easy. Idek. Some people on LJ have called me their purse dog before. It was creepy and sweet-ish at the same time. Mostly funny though. I'll use Kiseop as my human shield. Soohyun wouldn't hit his baby. idk what I'd do after Kiseop leaves though. I'll probably shrivel up and die just from Soohyun's glare
My family claims they're allergic, but I know they're not. it's kinda funny, b/c a lot of people in India seem to hate cats.... idk why though.
No, I mean, a request that you made for me to write. B/c I can't really remember if you did.
I feel bad for his clothes though, poor things had to suffer.
I liked this! ^^ (oh btw not sure if you noticed yet but you should fix your pairing tag in the comm)
Thanks for reading :)
oh derrp. I fixed it and thanks for letting me know.
Thank you <3
"...he sighs and concedes victory to Kiseop and his cat minion."
I literally lol'd reading that.
Well, it was more of a snort, but who cares.
"Two days pass without anything happening and Soohyun believes he and the kitten have managed to come to a ceasefire."
That line kind of received a snort as well.
It's like they're in a war.
I can totally imagine this in the cat's point of view.
"Super Spy Cat Entry Number Thirty-Seven:
The date is five-point-two-oh-one-eight.
Target has been nutrified nullified negatized.
The super tall man's suit is mine now. I hope he's allergic.
He sure as hell don't look good in orange.
Can't pull it off like me.
Hoshit, General Kiseop is in the area.
Abort all rocket launchers mission thingies to the house.
Roger over mango tango salsa. Over. Agent out. Over."
Anyways, you're good at fluff hurr. Write moar k?
i mean, angst was not requested.
of course it's war.
this is seoppie we're talking about here.
sadkljfa I feel like I need to write that now.....
like I have no shitting clue how but I still want to.
lulz the next request isn't precisely very angsty but it's not fluff.
You're right lol.
...So what is it then.
As far as I'm concerned, there's two genres for everything.
Get a new cat: Fluff
Cat dies: Angst
Go to the store. : Fluff
Get shot by gang at the store: Angst
Heechul go to the dry cleaners, meets Hankyung there, they live forever together. :Super Fluff OhMG.
Just about any other Hanchul fic: Angst
/gets shot
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