A friend & I recently had a similar discussion...about how can our parents still be married after 35-ish years and it be "like that." Why haven't they just split up already? And what I really want to know (but am far to scared to ask) was it always like this? Was there ever a time when you LIKED each other and like held hands & made out in the car??? (Which I realize is gross & creepy but you know what I mean...you'd think they would've HAVE to have liked each otehr at some point, or else they wouldn't be married?!?!?!) And esp. my parents...they were married 7 years before I was born, it isn't like they got knocked up in high school and HAD to marry b/c that's what you DID back then...there was ample time to be like, "ya know, this isn't working, let's split up." ARGH, parents!
no, it's pretty much always been them screaming and me getting dragged into it (my sister also). and i don't know why they're still together. i think it's the only way they know how to communicate. and i hope they don't get divorced, for selfish reasons, because i don't want to have to take care of my mother =\
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