House timeline discussion

Apr 13, 2013 17:00

So last night I had insomnia, and started thinking about the House timeline, because lying awake at 2 am makes you think of weird things.  Thanks clinic_duty for the transcripts!( What I've put together )

tv: house

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Comments 66

pwcorgigirl April 14 2013, 01:26:42 UTC
House said something to Cuddy (can't remember the episode) about him working in the college bookstore and giving her advice on taking a class based on the books she was buying. They didn't get together then because he disappeared -- had been kicked out of medical school, actually.

So they did know each other way back when and she apparently kept up with him through the years until she hired him at PPTH.

The timeline gets really screwy in the Life of Wilson because they couldn't seem to remember how old Wilson was at any given time.


taiga13 April 14 2013, 01:48:19 UTC
I should have added the part about House and Cuddy meeting in medical school, but I just figured everyone knew that. It was sussing out that she really was at PPTH first that interested me, as I remember there being debate about that given that she didn't seem old enough to have been Dean back then.
Did they ever give Wilson's age before the second-to-last episode?


deelaundry April 14 2013, 16:12:06 UTC
No on Wilson's age. It was annoying to me as a fic writer.

I don't think Cuddy was in med school when she and House met. I think she was an undergrad (probably pre-med) and he was in med school. They talked about her auditing an endocrinology class, which would've been something a very smart and determined undergrad could do. Med student could too, but likely would've attended for credit rather than just auditing.


taiga13 April 14 2013, 16:48:19 UTC
Hmm... This is what the transcript said ( ... )


yarroway April 14 2013, 02:22:31 UTC
I can't read the last paragraph. It's showing up in really small print.


taiga13 April 14 2013, 02:28:04 UTC
Sorry, I put it in small font because it's really a footnote. I'll make it bigger.


yarroway April 14 2013, 13:49:04 UTC


blackmare April 14 2013, 03:09:52 UTC
This shit is what happens when you run a show without a "bible" for writers to refer to.

Among other things, it makes no sense at all that House would have been in med school later than Wilson was, given their age difference and the established canon that House met Cuddy just prior to his getting expelled for cheating on the test.


taiga13 April 14 2013, 03:20:28 UTC
My personal canon is that House started med school late, that he did other things between high school / undergrad and med school. Like being in a band with Crandall, for example. Actually I think I recall Doris Egan saying the same thing, that she thought he traveled the world before med school. ETA I wish we knew more about period if it's true, where he went, what he did.
House was expelled for cheating from Hopkins, he met Cuddy at the University of Michigan. Or Michigan State. Some Michigan school.


blackmare April 14 2013, 03:42:59 UTC
But didn't he tell Cuddy that the reason he never called her back after their one night together was because he got expelled the next day?


taiga13 April 14 2013, 03:53:56 UTC
He said he got expelled the next day from "my first med school". So he got expelled from that school, then went to Hopkins and got expelled from there too! Another reason the time lag didn't bother me, it clearly took him more than four years to complete med school if he kept getting expelled. I always wondered where he ended up getting his degree from.


menolly_au April 14 2013, 03:53:26 UTC
I like for people to try and make sense of the timeline because thinking about it just does my head in.

Number 7 is I think the writers just making stuff up as they go along. It's really hard to see Cuddy being a great friend of Wilson's around the divorce from Sam time - independently of House being a great friend of Wilson's. Or either of them being around Wilson enough at the time to see how much 'damage' Sam had done to him.


taiga13 April 14 2013, 03:57:28 UTC
Oh, I know. Like Blackmare said, that's what happens when you have a revolving door of writers and no bible. Given that the episode where Cuddy said she knew Wilson after his divorce from Sam was the same episode where he and Sam divorced 12 years ago instead of 20, I feel safe pretending she didn't say it.
One does have to wonder about House's claim of seeing how much damage Sam did: even if House and Wilson were instant BFFs, House didn't know Wilson BEFORE the divorce as a comparison!


menolly_au April 14 2013, 04:11:03 UTC
Yeah, and can you honestly see House becoming an instant (long distance) BFF to someone who is moping around being depressed about his divorce? Did Wilson ring him up constantly and they have long chats about how miserable he was feeling? Unless he means he was 'damaged' in a way that was interesting to House, otherwise House would have dropped him like a hot potato.


taiga13 April 14 2013, 04:21:32 UTC
Very true! I guess throwing glasses and starting bar fights is what House meant by damage ;)


yarroway April 14 2013, 13:48:20 UTC
Right around Knight Fall there were three episodes in a row that stated Wilson's divorce from Sam was 20, 12 and 10 years ago ( ... )


taiga13 April 14 2013, 14:11:58 UTC
House met Wilson the day Sam served Wilson with divorce papers, and Wilson told Thirteen that he and Sam were married in 1990 and 1991. That puts House meeting Wilson in 1991 or early 1992, consistent with later statements that they've been friends for 20 years.
I always assumed Cuddy promoted Wilson into the department head position.
Me too.
Wilson also said he was "fresh out of med school" when he met House, which (amazingly) is consistent with him being ~one year older than Cuddy as given by S7/S8 canon, as she graduated in 1992. (checks transcripts) The episode you're referring to is "Open and Shut". Wilson refers to being a resident for two years while they were together, which would be consistent with being in med school, and says he was working two jobs to support them so Sam could take an unpaid internship. He doesn't say what the two jobs were.
Cuddy said she and House met in medical school.
Canon is indeed mucked up!


srsly_yes April 14 2013, 15:54:49 UTC
Wilson refers to being a resident for two years while they were together, which would be consistent with being in med school, and says he was working two jobs to support them so Sam could take an unpaid internship.
Hope you don't mind me butting in. I recall the discussion in "Open and Shut" but ignored it because it clashed with "Birthmarks". After med school Wilson would have begun his 3 year residency, the first of which he'd be called an intern. Not until the last two years would he be an actual resident.

Oy, the timeline gives me a headache.


taiga13 April 14 2013, 16:52:57 UTC
Hope you don't mind me butting in.
Of course not, please butt in!
I thought being a resident was part of being in med school? That's how I reconciled Wilson saying he was "fresh out of med school" after having done (at least) two years of residency.
Don't get me started on when these people could have done their specialty schooling, in the Houseverse it doesn't seem necessary.


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