The third volume in Jeff Guinn's Christmas Chronicles is a worthy successor to his previous books, The Autobiography of Santa Claus and How Mrs. Claus Saved Christmas. Again, he delves into the historical facts behind Christmas tradition (in this case, the introduction and evolution of the department store Santa Claus) and weaves it with his own unique vision of St. Nicholas, for the first time telling an all-original story in the present day. A frustrated television producer comes up with a brainstorm to save his family network -- a reality television show that will declare the winner the one true Santa Claus. To make matters worse, the program is being sponsored by a shady, unscrupulous toymaker who wants the winner to become the national spokesman for her shoddy toys. The only way Santa can preserve his secrecy and still save the image of Santa Claus for children all over the world is to enter the competition himself -- and win it.
Guinn's new tale takes his now-classic version of Santa Claus to places he's never gone before: shopping malls to meet legions of excited children, into the workforce, and finally to a national television audience. Along the way, he introduces a wealth of new characters, and true to the spirit of this series, most of them are good at heart. The producer who concieves of the show -- he just wants a hit so he can keep making shows families can watch together. The grouchy mall manager has a secret that betrays a holiday sprit. Only the true villain of the piece shows not even a spark of decency, and even so, Santa Claus himself never gives up on her.
Just as Guinn, in the past, has woven in historical figures to flesh out his books, this time out he freely plucks real-life celebrities to play roles, and he does it with a purpose, without seeming like he's name-dropping. The trials poor Santa has to go through are equally amusing, from his fitness regimen dictated by Teddy Roosevelt to his confusion when kids start asking for modern, high-tech presents like PS3s and CD burners. Through it all, Guinn manages to make a true statement about the real meaning of Christmas, about the commercialization of it, and about how Santa's true mission is rooted in faith. In fact, this book would make an excellent Christmas movie, but I doubt any producer would want to touch it without removing the overt references to Jesus and the fact that Christmas is intended to give thanks to God for the gift of His son -- and changing those references would totally ruin the spirit of the piece. (Ironically, Santa himself faces a similar dilemma in the story.) Don't get me wrong, the book is never preachy or heavy-handed, but nor does Guinn blanch from frank statements about spirituality, a pretty courageous move in this day and age.
This book is a true, worthy continuation of the Christmas Chronicles, and I can only hope that Guinn continues to give us these Christmas presents for many years to come.