HEY, blacklid!!!!! You can haz!

Oct 03, 2008 21:19

This is just random silliness from Eyecon, in which we imagine Jared taking the chess set back to Vancouver in his pants pocket, we debate Good vs Evil Sam, dramatic chipmunks are dramatic, and everyone is made gay. Also, we can haz no sleep before making this, mkay? Friends only please, it's mortifying enough. *LOL* blacklid I MISS YOU.

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flistofawesome, flail, evol!sam, lemmy is made of awesome, squee, cons: eyecon

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Comments 20

erinrua October 4 2008, 01:42:12 UTC
You guys are so CUUUUUUUUUUUTE! *smishes*

Also? How'd I miss out on the Good/Evil Sam placards? :-p (The stickers are still on my purse ... I shoulda got extras to paste somewhere at home.)


tahirire October 4 2008, 01:45:12 UTC

We are *coughDORKScough*.

I dunno! I had them at the panel, Jared talked about them and everything! He SO votes for evil Sam. He's friggin adorable. *cookies him*


erinrua October 4 2008, 02:54:30 UTC
Oh, I remember him going on about it at the panel. LOL! Yes, Jared is totally squishable. I'd love to just feed him up on cookies and pie. *g*

And the correct term is "Intergalactic Dorkery." I are one. :-D


tahirire October 4 2008, 02:58:27 UTC
Oh noes!! Not PIE!!! \o/

*just realized I deleted all of my pie-cons. Hm. May need to fix that*

*dons intergalactic dorkery society badge*

... it goes really well with my Insecure Feedback Whore membership. :-)


dharkapparition October 4 2008, 02:42:01 UTC
YOU are a Trip, T. Dude.


tahirire October 4 2008, 02:50:33 UTC


dharkapparition October 4 2008, 02:52:38 UTC
don't hide, it was funny as hell. And the fact that Jared agrees with 'more evol!Sam nowz' is too cool!!!

excuse any typos, am handicapped by 5 mikaritas


tahirire October 4 2008, 02:54:37 UTC
*happy mikarita dance*

Yeah, during our photo op he was very ... uh ... exhuberant? about *WANTING* Evil!Sam. He's too friggen adorable, he makes my heart asplode. XD


babyjames22 October 4 2008, 06:53:34 UTC
That was awesome!!!
Is there more where it came from?? *lol*

Loved watching you guys!!!
You seem to have a lot of fun!!

((( HUGS )))


YAY \0/ blacklid October 4 2008, 07:01:54 UTC

This is still funny. Like, VERY.

I cannot WAIT for seekrit ninja. I still haven't seen that one.


Re: YAY \0/ blacklid October 4 2008, 07:25:16 UTC
Pee Ess
Friends only? Phshhh. YOU ARE ADORABLE. AND I AM INSANE. AND DON'T YOU THINK WE SHOULD SHARE with those guys who are addicted to YouTube?


stopwatch_plz October 4 2008, 09:28:31 UTC

I was laughing so hard I almost had an asthma attack XD I so have to come over for a Con, dammit *makes Plans*


I'm going to my first "proper" Con in a few weeks for Torchwood but it's too long since the series finished and I'm not in the groove atm. Though I'm planning to go to Asylum next year and buying tickets soon \o/

Crazy Fans are Crazy XD


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