TV catch up post

May 12, 2012 01:15

WOW I haven't posted an episode reaction in like a million years. My bad. And I don't have time now, either, but here are QUICK  thinks for all my shows thus far.


tv: avatar, tv: supernatural, tv: tvd, tony stark tony stark tony stark, tv: the vampire diaries, tv: castle

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Comments 12

alwaysenduphere May 12 2012, 05:55:04 UTC


tahirire May 13 2012, 02:44:19 UTC
Well, we are only about 6 episodes in, but I really like it so far. I'm not to obsession stages, but I won't let my husband watch it without me. Vested interest stage, perhaps? The writing is awesome, so I'll probably keep watching it as long as netflix doesn't pull it out from under me. :P


alwaysenduphere May 14 2012, 08:06:44 UTC
haha friggin netflix man. but naw, they shouldn't. kurt sutter's pretty big on doing what it takes to get people to watch his show, including taking on netflix. Vested interest is probably a good word for it. I spent probably three weeks obsessed but it's not the type of show with a big fandom so mostly I just watch. Boyfriend and I also watch together; it's the one show I'm not ~allowed to watch without him.


chiiyo86 May 12 2012, 10:01:18 UTC
I don't watch Death Note, but I read the original manga and yes, L's death was a tough blow (not to be a downer, but I thought the story was less interesting after that).


tahirire May 13 2012, 02:44:53 UTC
Well, frankly, I don't see how it could NOT be a downer after that. L WAS AMAZING AND PRECIOUS AND AMAZING. *sob*


etoile444 May 12 2012, 10:03:24 UTC
TVD had me crying. So much loss! And I'm with you with Alaric. :( And at the end, when Jeremy was left alone. Oh god. :( And poor Damon, who did meet Elena first.

Death Note was amazing. It still stays with me, and I always think I should rewatched it..

I feel like these last three SPN episodes finally got the storyline together. Just wish it happened more cohesively like that all season.


tahirire May 13 2012, 02:46:22 UTC
I can't not have my Damon Alaric bromance weekly fix!!! I CANNOT!!! D: D: D: *sobs some more*

I can't wait to have like 10 minutes to finish Death Note, I'm so close to the end, lol. It is fantastically thinky and twisty, I love it. But I HAAAATE Light. Which honestly keeps it interesting. I don't think I've ever hated a main character before ...


obeetaybee May 12 2012, 14:23:05 UTC
Sliding by via friendsfriends and can I just say I did the same exact thing with TVD? I mainlined the last 5 episodes Thurs night until at 2am I was a weepy, shaky mess. Alaric, I will miss your shiny, drunken face. I hope he hangs around next year as a busybody ghost lecturing damon and his choices from the grave.

And Elena! A vampire! Will it stick or wil they find a spell or nonsense to reverse it? And what does this mean for Caroline and Tyler? And how long will it take Caroline to realize it's Klaus? Is it September yet?

Also, LoK? The one show me and my kids are all awake for on Saturdays.

I'm still catching up with SPN.

I hate having to wait week after week, so I have a habit of letting them stack up and then I forget or I get busy and then the next thing you know I have a whole 1/2 season waiting on the DVR. (oh hello, once upon a time. I KNOW I still have 12 episodes waiting. I'll get to it, eventually.)

So anyway...hello, stranger I impulsively commented on!


tahirire May 13 2012, 02:51:17 UTC
Oh man, that much TVD is just not smart to ingest all at one time! D: Alaric has been my love of that show ever since he showed up, his friendship with Damon is MY FAVORITE THING and they took him away from ussssss whyyyyyyyyyyyYYyyyyYYYyyyyyy!? *dramatic claw hands* I sobbed so hard at the tomb when he walked out and everyone was there to say goodbye, UGH. And can I just say AGAIN (I say this a lot but you are new so yay) how kick-ass the music cues in that show are? Way to just totally gut me, people. Rude. I think Elena will make the transition, and I am pretty sure that Tyler is just possessed. Which is horrible and all but at least he's (probably) still alive. And I have no idea why it isn't September. (I have a t-shirt that says 'Is it September yet?', don't judge me.)

LoK!! :D :D :D THE ONLY SHOW NOT ACTIVELY TRYING TO KILL ME WITH AANGST. (Hahahahaha see what I did there?)

Hello!! :D People with TVD feelings are welcome here any time!! :D


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tahirire May 13 2012, 02:53:21 UTC
I LOOOOVE the new writer. But I think I said that in this post. LOL I forget. Anyway yes. :D

Ugh, BOBBYYYYYY. *sobs more and tries not to think about it*

Yes! We are only a few eps in, but yeah, I totally agree with you about Katey, she is amazing!


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