Final projects post

Apr 21, 2012 20:12

This is for everyone asking me about my other, more 'regular' projects. We had to design a jacket and pants combo and a swimsuit for finals last week. I'm super super super proud of my jacket, hope you guys like it. :) It's a business style pinstripe with a little Lolita flair, as you do. ;)

Pants are still new to me, but these came out pretty close to how I wanted them. I am particularly proud of my inseam side pockets.

Figuring out how to lay the D-ring tape and ribbon/lace combo into the natural dart edges of the jacket, which you have to sew in a triangle, and have them come out straight, was SO. ANNOYING. But it looks great, so win I guess. Next time I'm cutting this into Princess panels. Yeesh.

Aaaand, lastly, I saw this giraffe print and loved it. :) Yay for bathing suits I could so never wear, lol.

Next term I am doing more swimsuits, hoodies, and jeans. Woot.

school, is this real life?, picspam, i made it in my artistic ability, sewing

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