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Comments 20

windscryer March 19 2012, 00:07:23 UTC
This is morbidly fascinating, watching the entertainment industry commit suicide like this.

Depressing, too, because, yeah, this will severely curtail my ability to stay on track with my fandoms and effectively stop me from getting into new ones. Guess I'll have to go get a "real" hobby then, eh?

Not that I think it won't bounce back eventually, but it's definitely going to hurt in the meantime. What idiots.


tahirire March 19 2012, 00:13:15 UTC
I am literally shaking I am SO PISSED right now. Don't they know ... ANYTHING!? ABOUT HOW THE WORLD WORKS!?!?!?!?!

I'm hoping that all my favorite fanvids don't vanish forever from youtube. I'm going to have to go through all of my accounts and back up everyfreaking thing, including my entire lj because what if it all just disappears? Also, HOW WOULD I FIND ALL YOU PEOPLE AGAIN IF IT DID!?

*breathes into paper bag*


windscryer March 19 2012, 00:32:06 UTC
I'm far more calm than I think I should be. I think I'm in shock. It will hit me soon and I'll probably have to go find an empty section of wilderness to scream and cry and shoot and break things, but for the moment I can't quite feel that rage.

It might be time to see about organizing cross-fandom efforts to remind them who exactly pays their paychecks. I can't think of how at the mo', but it's something to be looked into.


tahirire March 19 2012, 00:38:42 UTC
Agreed, but it's so tricky. I mean, 1) We don't want to draw attention in case it doesn't work, and 2) we don't want to put our celebrities who agree with us in the middle because it could jeopardize their contracts/careers, etc.

My personal preference would be some kind of campaign where we mail them things that will clog the hell out of all of their offices. Like that time all the Jericho fans mailed nuts until the network was like OH MY GOD FINE HAVE YOUR SHOW BACK JUST DON'T SEND US NUTS ANY MORE.


kj_svala March 19 2012, 00:22:48 UTC
I`ve read about this a few days ago already, and my first thought was "great *NOT*, it`s the end of the world as we know it"

The industry could make a hell of a lot of money by making everything available for everyone, at a decent prize. As it seems they don`t want to make more money, but less.

They`ve tried to do the same over here, so far the provider said no way, twice. I hope they are going to continue to say no.


tahirire March 19 2012, 00:32:26 UTC
I just don't ... I mean ... *internal tortured screaming*


feliciakw March 19 2012, 01:19:55 UTC
This kind of makes me ill. I'm kinda overwhelmed and don't know what to do with it.

It's problematic on so many levels. What about he copyright holders who use downloads to spread the word about their projects? Or have official YT channels that can then be posted in LJs?

Will con vids suddenly disappear? (Some of them already have, if they were on MegaUpload.)

I just . . . Do Not Want.

Question: How do you download YT vids to your hard drive? I've tried "Get Tube," but that hasn't worked in ages.


tahirire March 19 2012, 03:26:18 UTC
Oh man, CON VIDS. *scrambles through Favorites list* I have NO IDEA how you get vids off of youtube. I'll ask my go-to-girl.


dawnintheforest March 19 2012, 02:27:57 UTC
............. sigh : (


tahirire March 19 2012, 03:26:53 UTC


orehime March 19 2012, 12:04:44 UTC
The thing about this is OK I downloaded 7 seasons of Supernatural. BUT. I wouldn't have ever seen it otherwise as I have no TV reception. And you know what I did, as soon as the DVD set for each season is on sale? That's right, I buy it because I know it will entertain me.
I don't have US50 to spare for something that I'm not entirely sure I'm going to like, and them doing stuff like this will certainly lead me to stop trying new things.


tahirire March 19 2012, 13:40:24 UTC
Yep. They have no idea, ultimately, how much money they will lose over this. windscryer called the article 'Or, how the RIIA convinced Hollywood to commit murder-suicide.' I'd say that's pretty accurate.


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