Ok guys, I get it. I know. You LOVE ZAC EFRON.
But ... Zac as the 3rd Winchester brother? *snort* Hardly. If there is a 3rd Winchester brother out there, it's
Thomas Dekker, and I come bearing proof.
1) Thomas can totally rock the Winchester 'Imma scary sonnuvabitch' face. He looks comfy holding a gun. Dean taught him well, y'all.
I was, shockingly, unable to find a picture of Zac with a gun. *amazed eyeroll*
2) Dean also taught him the Winchester smirk, and the 'don't F with me' glare.
Zac? Not so much.
3) He comes pre-equipped with the proper Winchester attire.
Zac? Not so much.
4) Even when Dressed up 'pretty', the Winchester boys still manage to look predatory.
Zac? Yeah ... not so much. Sadly, Thomas is too much of a Winchester for me to find any pictures of him in a GQ style photo shoot.
5) Thomas can rock Dean hair OR Sam hair.
Zac ... I think you see where I am going with this.
6) Sam taught Thomas the ThinkyThoughts!Stare of DOOM. Zac ... just looks confused.
7) Thomas, a true Winchester, can look sexy in camo and jeans. And like a true Winchester, while looking sexy, he also looks srs bzns.
Zac ... looks like he's trying to sell himself for money get attention.
Hey, Zac? That's right, you got it. NOT SO MUCH.
I rest my case.