Love love love love crazy love

Oct 02, 2011 11:37

I have to go down to school today and sew all the things, and I've been so busy coming up for air has been hard this week, but I wanted to drop a note and say this might be my favorite season ever, everyone killed it, I can't even with all of the emotions, and seeing practically the entire internet simultaneously fall in love with Show again is ( Read more... )

episode reaction, epic show pwns everything

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Comments 9

themonkeytwin October 2 2011, 16:03:18 UTC



lsketch42 October 2 2011, 16:39:13 UTC
It feels good to be filled with glee again :)


emmram October 2 2011, 16:40:23 UTC
seeing practically the entire internet simultaneously fall in love with Show again

YES. ♥


elsewhere91 October 2 2011, 17:07:21 UTC
This. Man it feels good to just see the love for show (as it should be - it was an awesome episode!)

Hurry up episode 7.03! So Excited!!


jensenrick October 2 2011, 17:51:36 UTC
YES! So filled with love for show, I might be stoned. LOL


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