What Color Is Your Parachute?

Sep 26, 2011 11:29

Is this a good book?

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books, lolwhut, anansi boys

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Comments 3

fourtenpm September 26 2011, 15:31:33 UTC
It's not bad. I am at chapter 2, so far it's mostly common sense. But the book does have some useful information. So, there.


tahirire September 26 2011, 15:41:15 UTC
Thanks! :D

I put the odds at anyone actually having read it somewhere in the 1 person range, lol. I guess I can upgrade that to 1 person and 2 chapters?


fourtenpm September 26 2011, 15:55:32 UTC
yeah. well, actually a friend of mine recommended this book to me, when she knows that I am looking. Apparently, she read it too, and her opinion of the book is pretty high.

But this thing, like any other things, is personal. Like I am working for a boss that I think is fair and good, but when I was looking at taking the position, a bunch of people told me not to too.

So, all that I am saying is that I don't think it's magical, but it won't be a complete waste of your money and time either.


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