Fic: Repo Men: The Upside-Down Apocalypse 4/?

Jul 19, 2011 01:49

This fic is the flashback/followup/presickle/longfic spawn of REPO MEN. READ REPO MEN HERE.

Repo Men: The Upside-Down Apocalypse
Author: tahirire 
Rating: R
Wordcount: 4000 (This chapter)
Beta: blacklid 
Genre: Gen. Angst. H/C.
Spoilers: Goes a/u from 3.16, but there will be spoilers for all episodes through 5.22.
Warnings:  My generic major character death fic list.  ( Read more... )

happy birthday, fanfic, repo!verse

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Comments 17

monicawoe July 20 2011, 02:10:39 UTC


also this: Tinnitus of the soul. Fantastic.



tahirire July 20 2011, 02:21:56 UTC
Thanks! Lol, did you just blow through all 5 parts? That's a lot of creepy in one afternoon. *tips hat*


monicawoe July 20 2011, 02:23:14 UTC
pff please. You DO know who you're talking to, right?

(err typing to, rather)

; )


tahirire July 20 2011, 02:27:00 UTC
Of course! *rolls up sleeves to work harder at creeping out monicawoe, the reigning queen of disturbing Sam!fic*


thenetwork July 21 2011, 21:41:26 UTC
I had somehow missed the last two chapters of this. I still love it as much. It's nice and cheery. ;) Seriously now - lovely work. Thank you.


tahirire July 22 2011, 02:13:10 UTC
Yay! Glad you enjoyed this little burst of sunshine. ;)


themonkeytwin July 23 2011, 00:49:14 UTC

Thank goodness I waited until I had time to enjoy that properly. Just, just ... if I start quoting passages back to you, it'll be half the chapter, but THAT was just a string of evocative, elegant writing. Top quality, seriously.

I love ... well, all of it, BUT. I love how Sam's laugh threads through it a little, and is wrong, and when there's a smile it's worse, except for the one moment in the passenger seat of the Impala. (Flail.) I love the descriptions of Sam's power, and War was beautifully done, too. *shivers* I love how differently Sam deals with Cas than Dean did - this guy is an asset, not a friend. Not to mention because Sam's totally BAMF now. I love how the first mention of Dean concentrating on Sam's heartbeat, as they drive away from the burning house, is comforting, and how the second time with Sam's heartbeat is beginning to get creepy. I love how every time it veers toward normalcy, somehow, you undercut it with a reminder of how dark and twisted Sam is at this point, and recognizing how Dean's ( ... )


themonkeytwin July 23 2011, 00:55:58 UTC
Also, I've been listening to this song on repeat basically the whole time I read and commented. It's somehow very, very Sam to me, especially Sam on his Repo trajectory. There's at least three or four Sams in there, going back and forth at himself. As he does.

(And just saw this: live at Lawrence, KS. An Australian band. Wth? :D)


tahirire July 24 2011, 17:48:49 UTC
LOL, silly Universe. Trix are for kids.


tahirire July 24 2011, 17:48:18 UTC
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, awesome feedback is awesome. (read: IDK WHAT TO SAAAAY. It's like writing a thank-you letter for a thank-you letter for a thank-you letter?)

THAT was just a string of evocative, elegant writing. Top quality, seriously.

Awww, thank you! *blush* I am particularly fond of the opening passage, myself. I'm glad it flowed for you. :)

I love how Sam's laugh threads through it a little, and is wrong, and when there's a smile it's worse, except for the one moment in the passenger seat of the Impala. (Flail.)

Yes!! *happy sigh* Sammy is still in there somewhere. We will see more of him, but we will see a LOT more of who he has become.

Brilliantly played, this nostalgic leaning toward humanity and then how completely that has nothing to do with Dean anymore. Just how fully he's embraced his inhumanity; there's not even a hint of a hesitation at taking Jo's eyes. I MEAN. To reiterate: HOLY CRAPOLY, LADY.In this story, Dean was downstairs for over a year. I spend a lot of time thinking about how permanently changed that ( ... )


bitterlimetwist July 23 2011, 15:22:08 UTC
So I read this (and the previous chapters) when you posted it, but I had to think about for a few days to let it sink in because wow, this is fantastic. And I wanted to read it all again before I commented just to be sure, but - yes, this is totally my favourite chapter so far. I love it so much.

I love the imagery of the two of them in the river - newly baptized monsters. And Dean's soft feelings about Jo just switch to Dean cutting her eyes out. *boggles* And I could keep listing things but then I'd be listing every single scene. I wish I were eloquent enough to find the right words to tell you how wonderful I think your writing is, but I guess I'll just have to settle for you are an amazing writer.

I'm dying to know what's going to happen next. *waits impatiently*


tahirire July 24 2011, 17:53:34 UTC

Thank you so much!! I was a little unsure about coming back to this after so long, I'm really glad it still flows and that I managed to capture the proper mood. The river scene is my favorite in this story so far (of all the posted parts, heheh, there is a scene coming up I kind of love a lot a lot...) so it's awesome to hear people say they liked it. :)

I'm dying to know what's going to happen next. *waits impatiently*

Working on it! :D


apocalypse upside-down auroramama January 19 2012, 23:21:11 UTC
Remember that sound Xander made when he saw what was inside his hard-boiled egg?

It's not like that. This goes deeper. Amazing, terrifying work. I'm still feeling for them, because they can still feel.


Re: apocalypse upside-down tahirire January 20 2012, 16:33:23 UTC
Sadly, I do not know the sound. But you've got me all curious and I wasted tons of time on TheYoutubes trying to find a clip of said sound, but alas, it was not to be. Lol.

But I'll take it to mean you are emotionally invested, and for that I am most happy. <3


Re: apocalypse upside-down auroramama January 20 2012, 17:14:59 UTC
I'm sorry for your fruitless search. I was just trying to avoid figuring out how to spell the sounds listed in the transcript:

He holds up the egg, ready to take a bite. There's a purplish-gray creature still inside, dead from being boiled. Xander looks at it just as he's about to bite into it and freaks out. He screams as he tosses the egg away from him.

Cut to the science lab. The hatchling is laid out in a dissection tray. Xander taps his fingers on the table as he and Buffy look at it.

Xander: Can I just say Gyughhh!

Buffy: I see your 'Gyughhh!' and raise you a Nyaghhh!

But yes, I started the comment after figuring out just what sound I wanted to make, and then realized that there was a lot more to my reaction than chills and shudders.
"Emotionally invested" is right.


Re: apocalypse upside-down tahirire January 20 2012, 17:16:36 UTC
LOL, that is awesome.


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