Vid: Broken Pieces

May 21, 2011 18:32

This is my review for Let it Bleed (aka 621).
THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS VIDEO FOR 621. But not 622, that will be a different post. 
*clears throat*

I have had this vid ready to roll for a while; just waiting on last night to finish it. I make one finale video every year, but this year I wanted to dedicate my efforts to Dean.

Dean? I understand... ( Read more... )

meta, ficrec, fear the wrath of the eta, fanvid, sadness, flail, thinky-thoughts, dean!, episode review, music

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Comments 18

miss_faith_hope May 21 2011, 23:45:26 UTC
What a beautiful sad vid, the fact Dean more than likely won't ever see Lisa and Ben Braeden ever again breaks my heart. I know he had Castiel erase their memories of him for a very good reason to protect them from the life he leads but I think Dean really did care for them.


tahirire May 22 2011, 19:45:46 UTC
Of course he did. *wibble*

Thanks for watching, glad you liked it!


blacklid May 22 2011, 00:56:59 UTC
*Sobs in the corner*


tahirire May 22 2011, 19:46:03 UTC
*gets us more Kleenex*


kaylennz May 22 2011, 02:53:37 UTC
I loved this relationship and while I understand why Dean did what he did (or had Cas do) I liked having that vague hope in the background that when all was said and done that he could someday return to them. Cuz no matter who Lisa may have hooked up with in the interim...she loved Dean. You could see it in her eyes.

Lovely vid :)


tahirire May 22 2011, 19:47:10 UTC
I like the hope, too. If we've learned anything from Show it is that these kinds of things are rarely permanent. Dean deserves that kind of love, even if he'd probably never let himself admit it.

Thanks! :)


jupiterjones May 22 2011, 03:25:44 UTC
Very cool vid. Very well done!



tahirire May 22 2011, 19:47:23 UTC
Thanks so much!


arial86 May 22 2011, 17:58:37 UTC
Very beautiful <3
Anyway, I don't understand at all Dean's action. I mean, washing away their memories won't keep them safe and, if and when, they'll be in need, they couldn't count on him or call him for help. It's downright stupid. Sorry, my English is just horrible =(


tahirire May 22 2011, 19:48:37 UTC
Aww, thank you! ♥

I see what you mean, but I think the fact that Dean didn't ask for a memory wipe for himself just proves how much he can't stand the thought of letting them go. ;_;


arial86 May 22 2011, 20:27:30 UTC
Yeah, I just wanted to say that Dean should have left them their memories. He's not protecting anyone right now! They are just unprotected now, but clueless too!
Dean won't ever be ready to let them go =(


tahirire May 22 2011, 20:44:01 UTC
If Show has taught us anything, it's that very little is permanent - so who knows. Maybe he'll get them back somehow, someday. :)


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