611: Appointment in Samarra Micro-recap

Jan 21, 2011 22:37

611: Appointment in Samarra

(Caps this week by toxic_caps )

Other episode meta picspam reviews by tahirire  and blacklid .

The Road So Far ...


Hello fangirls.

Look up at Sam

Now back to Dean

Now back to Sam

Now back to DEAN.

Sadly, this isn't Sam.

But if he stopped murdering people and being scary, he could pretend like he’s Sam.

Now lie down.

Back up

Where are you?

You’re making a deal with the man Death likes to look like.

What’s on your hand?

(Now back to Dean)

Death has it!

It’s a one-way ticket to the man you love.

Run downstairs.

The soul is now in a briefcase!

Anything is possible when your brother is a Winchester and not a goldfish.

I’m on a cliff.

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