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Comments 29

blacklid December 4 2010, 05:37:49 UTC
So was it wrong of me that I posted the coda again BEFORE it aired? LOL


tahirire December 4 2010, 05:43:05 UTC
If this is wrong, then I don't want to order pizza anymore.


blacklid December 4 2010, 05:49:23 UTC
*nods* And as long as I can keep ordering pepperoni and black olive.


luvwinchesters December 4 2010, 07:27:23 UTC
I assumed the knife was taken while they were knocked out.


tahirire December 4 2010, 20:55:41 UTC
That makes sense. Just something about the way he was like YOU TOOK IT FROM ME *angryface* made it seem, idk, bigger than that. But I'll take that explanation. :)


monicawoe December 4 2010, 12:06:18 UTC
Dear Show, we all know that Sam still had the knife in 5.17 because he did a kick ASS epic knife battle with it and Dean even assisted on that last gorgeous double demon kill and I don't exactly seeing Meg after 5.10.
I just assumed Meg took it off of Sam when he was unconscious. They didn't show that, granted, but...


tahirire December 4 2010, 20:55:56 UTC
That makes sense. Just something about the way he was like YOU TOOK IT FROM ME *angryface* made it seem, idk, bigger than that. But I'll take that explanation. :)


etoile444 December 4 2010, 12:48:36 UTC
Did you download my brain or something? You have so many thoughts and conspiracy ideas that I do! OMG! So I’ll reply at length!

2) So Samuel wants Mary from Crowley - I have to give that one a great big 'ol DUH, show. But Samuel calling out Dean's secret? OH NO YOU DINNIT. OH. EM. CHEESE. Ilu, you great big giant bald freak of nature, just for that. (But you are of the dumb. CROWLEY DINNA BRING YOU BACK YOU TWIT.)

The Grandpappy thing was dumb. I was under the impression he wanted to save her soul, not bring her back to life. She’s the same age as her sons! Awkward! I’m not sure if Samuel was implying Dean should have let Sam die in the house fire or that he should let Sam go soulless….iz cunfuzed and must rewatch.

4)CAAAAAAAS. You learned that just from watching the pizza man? Color me impressed. O.o Also stop being a lying liarface who lies about Sam's soul. *severe frown* I believe this too. I don’t think Sam’s soul is in the cage. However, I do think Cas wants not!Sam to stay disconnected from his soul. Sam’s soul is ( ... )


tahirire December 4 2010, 21:03:04 UTC
Well, I do think that Mary's soul is in purgatory. So presumably if she came back to life and then died as a normal human and moved on she'd be bumped up to Heaven.

I do think maybe Sam's soul is in the cage, but it definitely doesn't have to be. It *could* be anywhere. That's what I like about this season, there are so many ways that any one plot line could go. ♥

YES. THE LONG CON. I love it. Season 4 was one of my favorite seasons EVER. So many mysteries. *hugs Show*


izhilzha December 5 2010, 03:30:40 UTC
I do think maybe Sam's soul is in the cage, but it definitely doesn't have to be. It *could* be anywhere.

You've read this fic, right?


tahirire December 5 2010, 17:31:07 UTC
Aww. No, I hadn't.

That'd be a comforting thought, but I don't think I've ever known Show to be so kind.

*reads again*



tabaqui December 4 2010, 17:37:48 UTC
Am i the only one who thinks that Grandpa wanting his *daughter* back more than his wife is just...creepifying? Gah, it just rubs me *all* the wrong way.


Meg kicks *ass*, dear gods, and that kiss with Castiel....

Yis. :)


heidi8 December 4 2010, 20:52:45 UTC
I see the creepiness, but the thing is, Mary wasn't a "person" when her soul went out in that burst of fire - she was Something Else, so it's probable that she's in Purgatory - if she were in Hell Dean would've learned about it while down there, I'd bet. So if Deanna is in heaven and Mary is in Purgatory, maybe Samuel is trying to get her out of there (and hence he has a vested interest in helping Crowley find Purgatory and may continue the search now Crowley is (SOB SOB) gone.


tabaqui December 4 2010, 21:04:01 UTC
It's very possible. I dunno if Show is going to go that way, but i kinda think that if Mary were in Purgatory, Samuel would have *said* something. I mean - it would have made his case so much stronger.

If Mary's in heaven, she'd kick his *ass* for taking her out of there, and does he really think that her seeing her two battered, fucked up, *hunter* sons will make her joyful?

Eh. Just a bad, bad, plan. I hope she's not in Purgatory, though. That would suck.


tahirire December 4 2010, 21:05:21 UTC
Mary isn't in Heaven. Neither is John. Ash looked.


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