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Comments 17

roguebitch September 28 2010, 00:40:35 UTC

I'm so glad to have someone else to perv along with me in this fandom. ;-)


tahirire September 28 2010, 01:19:42 UTC
I just watched the one where Chad and Ichigo's sister faced down Chad's second hollow and he got that armor stuff. ^.^


roguebitch September 28 2010, 01:21:17 UTC

I really do enjoy it when Chad punches the crap out of those things. They act so...surprised. ;-)


tahirire September 28 2010, 01:24:10 UTC

Also, the bear dude annoyed the crap out of me at first, but now that he's useful I'm finding him funny.

I need an anime icon ...


blacklid September 28 2010, 01:37:18 UTC
Mr. Beaumont wears a cowboy hat and a red plaid scarf.


tahirire September 28 2010, 01:38:39 UTC
Yes he does. I drew a picture of him. He's a baby right now, but soon he'll be big enough for me to ride him. ^.^

He's sort of shaped like Appa, but he is NOT Appa.


dawnintheforest September 28 2010, 02:36:01 UTC
I do like anime... So do you think I should give this 'Bleach' a try? ; )

LOVE THE HEADER!!! I take it you've seen the movie? Was it good? I've really wanted to see it ever since I first saw a trailer months ago!


tahirire September 28 2010, 04:52:00 UTC
If you already know you like anime, then yes. So far, I would say it's highly enjoyable. If you don't know for sure and you need a middle-of-the-road type anime, watch Avatar: The Last Airbender first, if you never have. It's not anime but it's very anime style.

Watch Avatar regardless. It is beyond epic. And funny. And smart. And awesome.

OH. And YES! I loved the Guardians!!! It was like LOTR for owls. Very epic. Directed just like 300. (From the guy that directed 300, so that makes sense.) Animation was STUNNING. Worth the 3-9. Four stars. :)


dawnintheforest September 29 2010, 04:02:44 UTC
Yes, and yes. Bleach and The Guardians are now both on my list (well The Guardians already was, but that's beside the point!).
I really like Avatar (the series). My sisters introduced me to it.


orehime September 28 2010, 13:01:06 UTC
Mmmmm Bleach


tahirire September 28 2010, 14:03:51 UTC
That is where your user name is from, y/y?


orehime September 28 2010, 14:58:54 UTC
Tis true! It was a long time ago that I watched though and I never really got madly into it. I should probably go back and try to catch up! Heh. Now if you want to watch a GREAT anime, Fullmetal Alchemist is the way to go... Though I'm sure you'd also love Saiyuki (see icon)


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