Happy Anniversary, Show.

Sep 14, 2010 10:10

Yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of the day the Pilot aired. (I meant to make this post yesterday but dude I had the worst migraine. So I died instead, sigh.)

I remember walking through my living room and getting sucked in just as Mary walked down the stairs to check on John. It was the MUSIC that hooked  me as I walked by (I was trying to do ( Read more... )

trancendental squee, congratulations, tv: supernatural, vidrec, epic show pwns everything

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Comments 5

dawnintheforest September 14 2010, 15:21:25 UTC
Even though I didn't start watching until Summer '08, I think it was, I have memories that date back the 5 years. I remember it was the summer before I was to leave for college, and I remember seeing the commercials on TV. I remember seeing them and thinking "Hhmmm, I'd like to check that out. Bummer I'll be out of the country." And then, yeah - it took another two or three years, during which greenhoodloxley's ever increasing mentions of the show put it back on my radar. Then, that fateful summer of '08, I finally put it on my Netflix. The rest is history. ; )

I saw that vid yesterday, it works really well. Like the vidder, I'm not the biggest fan of the song - but it works. And randomly, I like it better than the "Too Legit to Quit" celebration vid that came out when we found out that S6 was a go.

Hope you're having a good day, and that the migraine is far far away!


tahirire September 14 2010, 23:32:15 UTC
Migraine is a *little* better, gah. *headdesk*

I love hearing other people's 'how I got into Show' stories. :)


dawnintheforest September 16 2010, 23:12:18 UTC
Me too. : )

... But seriously , can this hiatus be OVER already?!


tabaqui September 14 2010, 20:29:52 UTC

That is all.


tahirire September 14 2010, 23:32:31 UTC
HECK YEAH. *fistpump*


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