Title: Crack on a plane, or, one reason Sam Winchester rolls his eyes so much
Author: Tahirire
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke, genius. And the CW, a bunch of morons. :-P
Rating: PG. This one is crack, folks. Puuuuuure crack. *g*
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Author Notes: Drabble spawned from a conversation with beta-princess
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Comments 32
Just thinking of the concept had me laughing .... a lot ...
I knew exactly who it was, and as soon as you got to the snakes, I couldn't stop laughing. Hee! Neither of them would be of any help; they'd both go flailing around while Sam had to deal with everything. With a bitchface.
yay!! *goals are achieved*
Neither of them would be of any help; they'd both go flailing around while Sam had to deal with everything.
I KNOW, right? *headdesk* Poor Sam. *huggles Sam* Indy is so Dean in 30 years. You know ... if he manages to stay alive his second time around. *groan*
With a bitchface.
ABSOLUTLEY. That's our boy. *smiles fondly*
Sam would totally kick Jackson's ass - and without breaking a sweat doing it \o/
But Sam'd totally dig Indy, you just know it ;)
*Hee* My evol plan, it's all coming together ...
Sam would totally kick Jackson's ass - and without breaking a sweat doing it \o/
Yup. *nodsnods* Sam'd just slap on the bitchface and leave them both cringing in their chairs, mutter something about how he can't even believe they're related and go take care of the bad guys. ;-)
But Sam'd totally dig Indy, you just know it ;)
Of course, because Indy is like ... super Dean. He's Dean, but with the whole Stanford brain. *gapes* HE'S SAMNDEAN!! *hands*
“I hate planes,” Dean choked.
That was awesome!
Thanks for reading!
and it's definitely sam's fight to win.
Thank you! It's nice to take a break from the angst every so often. ;-)
and it's definitely sam's fight to win.
No contest! *roots for Sam*
Thanks for reading!
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