Fic: Repo Men: The Upside-Down Apocalypse 1/?

Jul 19, 2010 23:29

This fic is the flashback/followup/presickle/longfic spawn of REPO MEN. READ REPO MEN HERE.

Repo Men: The Upside-Down Apocalypse
Author: tahirire 
Rating: R
Wordcount: 2932 (This chapter)
Beta: blacklid 
Genre: Gen. Angst. H/C.
Spoilers: Goes a/u from 3.16, but there will be spoilers for all aired episodes.
Warnings:  My generic major character death fic list.  This fic ( Read more... )

gore!, jared, happy birthday, fanfic, repo!verse

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Comments 14

dharkapparition July 20 2010, 15:04:48 UTC
*Dances... slips and falls

It's kinda messy around here LOL

Finally had time to sit down and read through Repo Men and this newest one. LOVE it. Of course. You always speak to my dark side.


tahirire July 20 2010, 18:22:00 UTC
But ... it doesn't get dark until chapter three!


*twirls you*


dharkapparition July 20 2010, 21:16:48 UTC
I've seen inside your brainz...

Sometimes I need a flashlight. You can just tell this is going to be wonderfully dark.

*shivers with anticipation


themonkeytwin July 21 2010, 02:53:58 UTC
Very visceral, very sense-oriented - very nice. I like that Hell felt just oddly disjointed in places, that it didn't quite cohere always, like a different dimension really shouldn't, to us!

Liked that Dean was proud of being good at what he did, but that even that wouldn't protect him from diminishing horrifically (this is Hell, after all). Liked the flood of sensation on returning to earth, that there is still enough left of him for it all to slot into place before he even can grasp it. I guess it takes a long time for the Pit to scour a person away.

Loved, loved, loved Sammy, every part of it. He is so very unstable yet so very strong ... and so very far from the ideal of normal he once clung to so hard. Perfect.

Finally, a Sam-girl writing fic I want to read! It is a good day. I don't read almost anything in this fandom, so statistically, the few authors I do write read (wtf, brain?) are inevitably Dean-girls and a John-girl. And I can never decide which one I am. I think I'm a Winchester-girl, and that's an end to it. Yay for ( ... )


tahirire July 21 2010, 14:34:04 UTC
Yay thank you!!! I have a penchant for wanting powers!Sam like WOAHNELLY. But of course Dean, not to be outdone (ever), insisted on this series to be mainly in his POV. *Fond headshake*

Oh, Dean, when will you learn I never leave you out? *pets him*

Finally, a Sam-girl writing fic I want to read! It is a good day. I don't read almost anything in this fandom, so statistically, the few authors I do write read are inevitably Dean-girls and a John-girl. And I can never decide which one I am. I think I'm a Winchester-girl, and that's an end to it. Yay for a balanced fic-intake!


*tries to calm down*

Since this is a wip, if you get bored, might I recommend from the menu Fire and Ice? I think if you liked Sam in this, you will love that. :) (It is a Lucifer rising tag.)


themonkeytwin July 21 2010, 21:27:10 UTC
Oh, I don't mind wips for the most part. It's the journey, not the outcome, that I get into, which means mystery/suspense-based stuff really doesn't do a lot for me unless it's also a really good story. Case in point? I watched the pilot of Lost, told it to stop jerking me around, and turned it off. (Later tried to give it the benefit of the doubt, watched the first few eps ... then told it to stop jerking me around, and turned it off. Maybe if it weren't so boring?)

But I shall check it out. :)

The John-girl is dodger, of course, who I thought was everybody's John-girl. :D I'm sure there are others out there, but I shop around reeeeally slowly and carefully when it comes to this fandom....


tahirire July 22 2010, 00:11:30 UTC
OMG SAAAME. About Lost, I mean. Couldn't do it. Mark Pelligrino and Titus Welliver were nearly enough to make me re-think things ... but no. Couldn't do it.

Ahhh. I know her from meta, but I haz not read her fic! Must check that out, methinks! :D


thenetwork July 21 2010, 03:35:49 UTC
I am addicted to this. It's beautiful. Thank you.


tahirire July 21 2010, 14:25:40 UTC
Welcome! :)


tarod45 July 21 2010, 06:26:26 UTC
You wrote more! Awesomeness, awesomeness! Very much looking forward to the rest! :D


tahirire July 21 2010, 14:26:27 UTC

I feel awful for hoisting a WIP on my flist, lol. HOWEVER. It is coming along nicely, so never fear. :)

Thanks so much for reading!


layne67 July 22 2010, 03:26:39 UTC
Oh my, that was superbly thrilling. I initially thought that was Castiel until I reached this part - “Dean,” it says again, and it sounds exultant and somehow sad at the same time. “I know you don’t remember me, but you will. - and I was like, omg Sam??? My thoughts were exactly like Dean's at the end - Sammy, what have you done.

Can't wait to read more!


tahirire July 22 2010, 04:07:38 UTC
Yay Sam!! \o/

Yes, this Apocalypse is upside-down, see? :)

I'm glad you are liking it so far! Thanks for reading!


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