I haz made header

Jul 14, 2008 21:39

Now, if I can just get it INTO my lj. *facepalm*

Anyone out there know how to make your own theme? Help me!

Lyrics by Evanesence

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header, wtflj

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Comments 9

lotr_lemmy July 15 2008, 02:14:37 UTC
nice! I know if you go to customize journal theme and then custon css, you can post a code that will make it appear. I'm not sure how to write out the code though


tahirire July 15 2008, 02:26:42 UTC
Gah. This.Is.So.Annoying.

I spent like 3 hours loading pictures into a mood theme yesterday, and NONE OF THEM SHOW UP.


So, how's homework coming? ;-)


lotr_lemmy July 15 2008, 02:42:40 UTC
:*( I'm sorry, that really sucks... I honestly don't remember what I did to get my mood theme up. Usually when you download the theme, they have an instruction guide on how to get it up.

Homework is going okay. I so didn't take into account how long the freaking intro to Life is Beautiful was... but I got past that and now the rest should be cake... I hope!


tahirire July 15 2008, 02:56:53 UTC
Lol. Yeah, that intro is long.

Did I send you the Sammy song? On myspace maybe? It's so funny. I forget who I sent it to. I was on youtube a lot today. *dork*

*giggles at icon* That icon is SO my fave. :-)


stopwatch_plz July 15 2008, 09:31:45 UTC
Ooh, pretty! :)

I really want a header for my LJ but don't know what I want, don't know how to do it and don't know how to put one up..



telperaca July 15 2008, 12:59:52 UTC
I love Evanescence, but I can't seem to recognize those lyrics?

As for putting the banner up - do you want the same layout? If so - you need to do stuff with the ccs.

If you change your layout to 3 column, you get the option for changing the banner without messing with the ccs?

Do you like my layout? If so, check out the pre-made lj community. They've got some awesome designs there. I just tweaked a bit of it to get Dean in there! ;)

Btw - do you have msn?


Like You, from The Open Door tahirire July 15 2008, 17:43:36 UTC
Stay low ( ... )


force_oblique July 15 2008, 20:46:34 UTC
Very pretty!


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