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Comments 13

patita_fea February 27 2010, 18:46:21 UTC
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD.

“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.”

Song of Solomon 8:6-7

It's beautiful, and it's taken such deep root in me that it gives me shivers every damn time.


*smishies you*


tahirire February 27 2010, 18:48:04 UTC
That one is actually engraved on the inside of my wedding ring. ;) The reference, of course, not the whole thing.


patita_fea February 27 2010, 18:50:52 UTC
Those two - the passage from Corinthians and the verses from Song of Solomon - are the two bits of Bible most likely to break me down in tears.

I can think of nothing better to engrave in a wedding ring.


blackcat333_99 February 27 2010, 19:00:08 UTC
Seriously -- you twinned my brain. I was just reading these verses last night and thinking Hmm. Dear Lucifer, when you claim to love your Father, I think your definition of love is not God's. And Michael, when you claim to love and obey your Father and believe in his plan with the faith that moves mountains... you need to look at yourself again. Still missing something in your equation. And Team Free Will: when you feel disheartened, beaten down, hopeless, remember to not give up on Faith, Hope and Love. Especially the greatest of these three, because love never fails. I wonder if Kripke's read this chapter in 1 Cor.


tahirire February 27 2010, 19:01:31 UTC
I think, very much like in a Harry Potter type situation, that Love is that little extra ingredient that SamnDean have that their counterparts don't. It always sounds so cliche to put it that way, but it's NOT. It's a big difference. It's what helps them keep each other human. :)


blackcat333_99 February 27 2010, 19:25:57 UTC
It really isn't a cliche, I agree. It's one of the things that separates us as unique from all other creations on this planet: we think, we feel, we reason, etc. We are not subject to simple planned design (plant life) or instinct (animals). We are special. And when we see people who don't have any of that within them, reflecting in any of their actions or coloring their choices... aren't those the ones we revoke the appellation of human and start calling them less, or monster?

And SamnDean certainly have more than their share of love for brother, and love for mankind. I think it's part of what attracts us to them so strongly.


PS blackcat333_99 February 27 2010, 19:19:56 UTC
Also, can I add this:

1 John 4:8 He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:11 Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are ourselves under obligation to love one another.

Oh, and one more:

John 15:13 No one has greater love than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends.

(New World Translation)

Now from the King James Version, the meaning of all these remains the same. Slight differences in the wording:

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

1 John 4:8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

1 John 4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Methink God would not be on board with the plan to wipe out all humanity. I also think he would approve Dean's question when it comes to Michael's plan (well, at least Zachariah's interpretation of the plan), "What about the people?" And who do we know who has laid down his life/soul on behalf of his brother?


datenshiblue February 27 2010, 21:35:08 UTC
I still love the King James wording on this, as it was the first I learned. Also as I love the mental images I get from "a glass darkly" and the phrase I put away childish things.

Rolling my mind along these tracks, I come to:


I love you whether or not you love me ( ... )


tahirire February 28 2010, 04:37:15 UTC
Mmmm. ♥


roguebitch February 27 2010, 22:44:38 UTC

I found this in my "Dictionary of Angels" last night and thought of you...and then you posted another thoughtful quote! Here it is, anyway:

It is well to bear in mind that all angels, whatever their state of grace -- indeed, no matter how christologically corrupt and defiant -- are under God, even when, to all intents and purposes, they are performing under the direct orders of the Devil. Evil itself is an instrumentality of the Creator, who uses evil for His own divine, if unsearchable, ends.

It made me go o_O.


tahirire February 28 2010, 04:38:06 UTC
O.o, indeed. o.O

Like in Job.


etoile444 February 28 2010, 01:17:41 UTC
Wow! I'd like to add more, but how? You guys are amazing! First, though, I must ask: was it Jared's wedding that prompted the thoughts on Corinthians and Song of Solomon? They are two of the most popular readings at a wedding. Part of it is often ommitted and I'd forgotten that it was part of the verse. It's so amusing to me that Supernatural has brought me to a new awareness of my spirituality.

You know, I think that Dean is quite a beautiful person. He did as John 15:13 states: Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends [brother]. I can't help but wonder about his experience with Famine. He hungers for unconditional love, peace, freedom from tyranny of unquestioning obedience to Heaven, and he longs to let the people of the world stay safe. Famine can't give Dean those desires.

Some Sam lovers hate when Dean is exalted, but I think Sam is as real s people are, and that's not a bad thing, just that Dean might be beautiful, a little extra special.


tahirire February 28 2010, 04:39:22 UTC


He hungers for unconditional love, peace, freedom from tyranny of unquestioning obedience to Heaven, and he longs to let the people of the world stay safe. Famine can't give Dean those desires.

That's a really beautiful and profound thing to say. ♥


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